Yesterday I had a battlefield with absolutely no trees or bushes, it looked like a lunar landscape. So I guess it's possible, but I have no idea how to do it.
Why do you want to get rid of the trees? They can be pretty handy sometimes. Like when I was being chased by about a dozen dark hunters on horseback, I led them through some trees and most of their horses reared up and stopped long enough for me to turn round and give them all a few hits with my axe.
They can also be handy if you are on foot and are facing a bunch of mounted troops. Just hide near the trees and use them for cover.
The battle maps are randomly generated. I'd like to see a wider range of terrains (and I have a feeling that'll be coming within the next couple releases) like thick forest, desert, snow, etc.
The battle maps are randomly generated. I'd like to see a wider range of terrains (and I have a feeling that'll be coming within the next couple releases) like thick forest, desert, snow, etc.
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