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El Perdido

Does anyone play Call of Duty 2? I bought the game a little over a week ago, and this game is awsome. Single player is very fun, and sometimes challenging, although the last mission disappointed me... Any of you play MP?

My name on CoD2 MP is Hatuey, and most of the time I play on Papawics Playhouse. It would be awsome if someone made a M&B server, but who has the power to create a good server here? Probably noone :cry:. Another good idea would be a M&B clan, but I don't know how many people here play CoD2. Anyway, if you do play, leave your name and the server that you play on most.

I did search, but it came up with too many topics that wasn't talking about anything on CoD2, so I just made this topic.
I bought COD2 a while back ... but still haven't even opened it yet. :shock:

I'll probably give it a try sometime in the next day or so and if I like the MP enough, I'll have my wife try it. If she likes it ... we might start a dedicated server.

Note the plentiful use of the word if ... with the occasional probably and might thrown in. :wink:

My wife loves first person shooters and if I can get her addicted to a new one that would be great. I love the time we spend killing each other. The truest form of love!

Yess i have Cod2 but until now it requires a bit powerful machine i have.
When i change proc ill start to play.
Anyway it's great game ( 1 part was also)
but imho nothing's compare to 'Omaha beach' at Medal of Honor : The Allied Assault. did You Guys tried to land at Normandy at highest level of difficulty ? I did ..and i landed ( i didnt counted how many i tried until victory) but that was an adrenaline !
I got it from a friend to try out the SP. It sucks totally. Everything is scripted, and the maps are very linear. :evil:
Why are all the WW2 shooters so similar? i've assaulted the same bloody generic french village in a dozen different shooters. Why can't there be a game that let's you play both axis and allies? Defending against Polish cavalry? The maginot-line (well it wasn't really used, but still)? Defending Finland against wave after wave of Russians (google Simo Häyhä. The guy has a few confirmed kills from the two wars we waged against Russia)? The only refreshing change is that Russia is given credit for the victory of the allies.
Ok don't be offended anyone, this isn't a flame, just an expression of feelings.

What "ticks" me off, is when people complain at a game for something that's not the way they want it. This is a great game, and yes, not everyone likes it. But why no like the game for little things that don't really have that much meaning, if the game is fun, it's fun. Some people aren't satisfied with fun, they just want everything perfect. I'm sure you guys know that not everything is perfect, so do everyone a favor, and stop complaining for things you don't like (I'm not talking to just people that posted above, but the general). I'm completely sure, if you did all the work the people made on this game, you would be very upset to see meaningless complains. Just imagine all the scripts in this game, action, fun, challenge, etc. I'm not saying you HAVE to like the game, but at least give it a break. I say once more, this is just how I feel with the general people that don't appreciate what they are given or have.

Don't take this the wrong way...

Anyway, Narc, I'm sure if your wife likes FPS, she'll like this one :wink:.
I saw promo video and it's awsome.

Though I'm not sure about the gameplay thing, I would complain that this one again uses the same theatre as other WWII games.
It's just showing that they are plain lazy! Why you can't play as Germans to fight desparate battle in Berlin? Why you can't fight as Japanese in Philippin, Hong Kong, Singapole and Manchuria (against vastly superior Soviet army)? Why not in Dankirk?
Well why, I don't know. But I guess that it's the "popular" theatre (I'm completely wrong here, I'm sure). CoD have always been on the same part of the world and nations(so have many other WW2 games), so why should the makers change it to what you want or other people want. Not everything that you want you get, so just be satisfied with this. I'm not really your "loyal fan" that doesn't believe in failures in the game (In fact I think there are lots of wrong things, but I don't mind them, as long as I have fun, everything is straight). Anyway, I can't really change a persons mind into liking something they don't like (I don't want to either), I'm simply stating that the public isn't satisfied anymore, it has become selfish, where they want this and that, and if they don't get it, they always throw complains and you know what at the makers.

Ok I'm kind of going off topic...

But this isn't really on video games only. Take America for example. I came to America from a very poor country, and everything that was introduced to me in this country is just stuff I never knew existed or people could have. It was a miracle to me, but it seem the other people didn't value anything, and saw everything as basic stuff that they had to have. I guess appreciation and understanding has faded away over many years (I'm not saying this is America only, but all around the world). Even I admit that now I don't value things that weren't available to me on my country. Humanity is just a very confusing thing. But this is a touchy subject, so lets not discuss it.

Anyway, I'm gonna play a little CoD MP, later (and don't be offended).
El Perdido,

First, I want to thank you for trying to be diplomatic in the way that you said things above. It is very appreciated as it isn't the norm.

Secondly, I want to throw in that you might want to relax a little. Noone was attacking the game per se ... just making observations about the genre and it's lack of originality. Perfectly right things to say in a thread about a game of that genre.

Anyways ... haven't had a chance to open it up yet ... but maybe tonight. :wink:

COD was one of the best FPS games that I actively played ... until they released the 1.02 patch (I think that was the version ... the one where they killed snipers). I've read a lot of good things about COD2 and how it regains COD's original feel before all the game balancing tweaks that ruined it later.

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