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I would very much like to be able to buy horses (Or donkeys) to cary more goods. Or horses to my army. Sure, they can't ride them into battle unless they know how to use them, but to speed up my army on the map. Atleast be able to buy carts. Sure, expensive as h... , But simple to use.

Your speed ALREADY increases if you have a spare horse in your inventory.
It is ALREADY implimented.
Yes, agree Thaniel. It makes no sense that knights are the fastest units on the map when there is no reason marksmen or sargeants couldn't ride horses until they get to the battle, just not fight while mounted. But i don't think these spare horses should take up inventory space. They should have their own seperate "spot" and maybe just be called "common horses" or something specifically designed to travel on, not be used in battle. Perhaps someone managing the horse stalls could sell you them for 100g per, and maybe they even require maintainence, so they could work very much like hiring troops.

Your speed ALREADY increases if you have a spare horse in your inventory. It is ALREADY implimented.
No...this was just discussed in another thread. Having extra horses does NOT increase your movemnt speed at all. All it does is reduce the penalties for carrying goods. So if you have 10 footmen with you, buying 10 horses will NOT increase your movement speed in the slightest.
heu... Not have test the 0.703,
but in previous version, that's work, daLagga... Any doubt.

There is a good reason that unmounted unit stay,
"on foot" when travelling,
this is the major difference between a sergeant and a knight, or other horseman, he doesn't have the gold to maintain him.

The fact that big_troop (so essentialy composed by footmen) reflect the difficulty and penality on move. It is an important aspect in my mind.
but in previous version, that's work, daLagga... Any doubt.
I'm pretty sure this aspect did not change in .700. I also disagree yehrom. Sergeants are already penalized in battle for not being mounted. Seems lame to also penalize their map speed. Otherwise, why would anyone ever not create an army of nothing but knights? A sergeant is just as hard to get as a knight, so i don't see a need for it to be so inferior.
this is the major difference between a sergeant and a knight, or other horseman, he doesn't have the gold to maintain him.
So, you're saying it makes sense that the sergeant has the 15,000+ gold to afford that plate armor and weaponry, but not the 150g that a cheap horse costs? In any case, i just did some testing with the movement speed, and here are my results.

First, the fact is that simply adding horses to your inventory alone actually REDUCES your movement speed slightly per horse. The speed of a mounted character with no pathfinding and no weight is 10. Here's the data i collected when testing weights effects on movement speed.
With a weight of 0, movement is 10, and weight increments were set to 40 depicting the weight of trade goods. 120weight for example = 3 goods.

Weight Movement

So at around 680 carry weight (17 trade goods) your speed will be roughly halved. Your speed can be reduced beyond half, but i didn't see the need to carry the figures out that far. Also, once i reached 680 carry weight, i added horses to see how much each horse helped, here are those results.
With 0 horses and 680 weight, my speed was 5. Weight is constant.
Horses Speed

So, if you're transporting alot of goods, 3-4 horses in your inventory seems to be the optimum amount to alleviate speed penalties from weight. 3 alleviated the weight penalty by 60%, but 7 still only alleviated it by about 75%.
I just said that horses in your inventory increase your speed, strictly,
until only to compense the carry-penality.

About the sergeant/knight,
I don't consider the in-game horse price as valable (too low).
So, I mean they would be a great difference of Privilege that allowed a man maintain his horse or not.
The fact that sergeant are almost difficult to obtain (or equal) than a knight is not the problem. That represent a part of reality for me...
The true difficulty to manage an army is not the Fight him-self,
but the faculty to ensure the logistic. And in this way, horses are a Big "problem" : care (qualified personnal), food, rest, night shelter...

That reflect the different "class" at this Time.
No ?
Well lets just think in realistic terms way dont we. Now lets say we have nothing an our inventory except for 9 horses, and 9 foot soldiers with us. You as their commander bought the horses with the spoils of war. Now tell me if the commander told them to mount.....are they going to say, "But commander my PRISTIGE isn't high enough I refuse." No, he is not, he's going to hop on that horse. Why?, because you told his peasant ass to...
Yes, I prefer seeing my troops on foot with some horses in my inventory for a simple reason; I like the unit's "autonomie".
If units may evoluate, that should be in function of their once wages accumlated; nothing else in my mind.
Please remember, English is not everyone's native language. Next time, ask him/her to explain with a little more detail as you can't understand what he is saying.

Thanks :smile:
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