*closed because Eagle114th said not ready*

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This is one of the most difficult job, as you have to know, where, to find each and every one of the objects, from horses, to hard-to-find shields. now Lostlegionnaire is hiring beta tester, aka, screen shot takers, to take screenshot of "texture changed" objects. please note, if you have a screen shot taken, please PM me, henderson, or Eagle114th. we are only looking for 5 beta tester, and after you apply, (and probobly until i wake up), you'd be pmed the assignment.
Why not just give all this stuff to some custom enemies, take the screenshots then remove the test guys?
Right, thats just being mean. i don't think each of the member who applied, can just take one screenshot and leave.
It's not that complicated really.

Use the mod tools to add/modify a unit like river pirates so that it carries only the items you want. Then run the game, attack some river pirates and take the screenshots. No need to go saving up and searching vendors to buy them that way.
but LL only have minor stuff things ingame, not the entire body of a roman soldier, we only have shields and crap
...can you download the whole texture pack somewhere?

Oh and Henderson, you are a violator of my newly set up rule. *points to sig*
Lhorkan, lewl, i love to copy, and lhorkan, i used the underwater before you even edit your sig to put the rule

jacky chan, it's not out yet, we just need some beta tester

sina, there is a item editor called unofficial M&B editor
Henderson said:
Lhorkan, lewl, i love to copy, and lhorkan, i used the underwater before you even edit your sig to put the rule

Yes, but I had the underwater before you even joined... somewhat. And now, since the rule is applied, no violators will be tolreated.
It doesn't have to be perfect, it always good to get some feedback from the public instead of from a small and probabily baist group of people.
Lhorkan said:
Henderson said:
Lhorkan, lewl, i love to copy, and lhorkan, i used the underwater before you even edit your sig to put the rule

Yes, but I had the underwater before you even joined... somewhat. And now, since the rule is applied, no violators will be tolreated.
And i don't think you are a admin, and there are over a thousand user uses Underwater, and if you are the first to use underwater, before you write the rule, lets say, alot of other people used underwater, and then you write the rule, you can;t expect them to change it since they use it before you write the rule :roll: , so please, Don't PMS with me
Henderson said:
Lhorkan said:
Henderson said:
Lhorkan, lewl, i love to copy, and lhorkan, i used the underwater before you even edit your sig to put the rule

Yes, but I had the underwater before you even joined... somewhat. And now, since the rule is applied, no violators will be tolreated.
And i don't think you are a admin, and there are over a thousand user uses Underwater, and if you are the first to use underwater, before you write the rule, lets say, alot of other people used underwater, and then you write the rule, you can;t expect them to change it since they use it before you write the rule :roll: , so please, Don't PMS with me

Let me just end this little dispute of yours with an example. L spots H with a handfull of dog****. L also has one, so he doesn't feel as original anymore. L says that he should be the only one with rights to dog****, because he had some first. H refuses to throw his away, so L writes a law about the Dog**** Ownership. H points out that L has no authority do do so. What both fail to realize, is that they both carry dog**** around. Most might not see it as a nice thing to carry around, but it brings comfort to the two. Then they see that there is plenty of dog**** for both of them to use. And they lived happily ever after.
i think henderson should get rid of the underwater, because... as many song covers have prooved.... the origonal is always best :cool:
Jeff, before you do anything further, talk to me on MSN right away please. And it is not time to hire beta tester yet for now.

You probably haven't read message I wrote before, about getting beta tester AFTER the official releases of stablized and improved new version of Mount and Blade, along with official mod tools.

I apology to everyone for this, but it doesn't mean you should put your hope down, and everyone keep your hope up!


Eagle out...
Some people just don't know what a joke is. I'll change my sig, Henderson can keep his "dog****". I was planning on changing anyway. :smile:
Lhorkan said:
Some people just don't know what a joke is. I'll change my sig, Henderson can keep his "dog****". I was planning on changing anyway. :smile:

And you don't really understand my sense of humor. Touche, *****!
Worbah said:
Lhorkan said:
Some people just don't know what a joke is. I'll change my sig, Henderson can keep his "dog****". I was planning on changing anyway. :smile:

And you don't really understand my sense of humor. Touche, *****!

Haha, very funny. :razz:
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