Cleanup of the Suggestions forums?

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Grandmaster Knight
Hey guys. Returning form a long slumber.

Looking through the suggestions forum, I see the King's court has become massively outdated, with most posts originating somewhere between 2005-2007 (including more than a few of mine  :oops:).
Many of these have either been implemented, ignored or become irrelevant. They also refer to the original M&B and Warband which are no longer being developed.

I would suggest that these threads be archived and a new forum for Bannerlord suggestions be created. This I think would encourage more suggestions while allowing developers (assuming they still check the forums) to sort through the relevant ones more easily.
Ingolifs said:
Hey guys. Returning form a long slumber.

To put it lightly. :razz:

Agreed on the suggestions board cleanup, though I think the time for that will be when an alpha/beta test for Bannerlord comes around. Little is known about Bannerlord, so there's no way for us to tell which suggestions would be feasible or reasonable at the moment. Nothing builds up impossible expectations like untempered blue-sky thinking.
Definitely. Especially with Bannerlord, a lot of the suggestions from 8 years ago aren't too relevant.
Well I'll be, guess he was dreaming not dead after all.

That's a very good point. I'll try to get in touch with the devs about it, but either way the old suggestions forums are due for a good archiving.
I agree with Orion though. Having an echochamber of unfeasible or otherwise bad ideas wouldn't be the best idea either.
Having a playable test version out at least promotes some feedback on things already in the game. With nothing to get our hands on, there's no telling which suggestions are reasonable, viable, or relevant.
Since this thread went up, quite a bit of information came out in regards to factions and the engine (and both encompass a significant chunk of the game).

Instead of having suggestions scattered everywhere, maybe now is the right time to clean up, fix, and re-employ the Suggestions forum?

edit: In hindsight, it looks a lot better than it was before, or maybe my memory is off. Was it cleaned up already?
RoBo_CoP said:
Why have unreasonable expectations later when I can have unreasonable expectations now!?
This. I still think it's a bit too early. What amounts to a highlight reel of the upcoming editor functionality doesn't constitute sufficient information of the game as a whole. What reasonable suggestions could be made are largely limited to editor functionality and capability, and I think that is reasonably handled in the blog topics for now. They're not bursting at the seams with post after post of the same suggestions yet.
The king's court itself is unchanged so far. Still ancient threads lurking in dark shadows, ready to pounce 'pon the unwary. Some of them (Volkier's horse thread) are still interesting though and no doubt a new dual wielding thread would pop up eventually if the current one was (re-)moved.
AWdeV said:
no doubt a new dual wielding thread would pop up eventually if the current one was (re-)moved.
That's very optimistic. I expect a new one at least once a week. As long as it's not like the constant topic spam for multiplayer before Warband was announced (at least one new topic per day) I don't think I'll mind.
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