Clarification on "Use blunt weapons"

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Ok I thought my game was bugged; every battle I was in while trying to take prisoners most of my troops would not attack anything.  Even if they were being attacked they would just sit there until they were dead.

Then I remembered that since I was trying to take prisoners, I used the "Everyone: use blunt weapons" order.  Once I turned that off they were ok again.  So it occured to me: if a troop doesn't have a blunt weapon  and I give that order, why do they do nothing at all instead of just saying "Sorry boss, all I have is a blade..." and start swinging it?

Doesn't make much sense.  Every human being is born with two blunt weapons and anyone in an army would still have both...
csouth1 said:
Doesn't make much sense.  Every human being is born with two blunt weapons and anyone in an army would still have both...

Good point.

Makes me wonder why they just sit there any let the enemy hack them to pieces....
I've noticed that happen as well, and when I told them to stand ground they did anything but that. 
Yes, it's a bug, cavalry who don't have a blunt weapon will just stand there and do nothing. Foot troops will switch to fists, but that's not much use either due to the pathetic damage they do, especially against armored opponents.
Ah ok good to know.  Guess when there are prisoners to be had it's all up to me!  :twisted:

That's ok tho, I am pretty sure I am the most effective killing machine on the field anyway, at least compared to my braindead troops.  :mrgreen:
couldnt you like....have the calvary use blunt weapons, but then command them to follow you? It should knock the foot troops unconcious (eventually)
djude said:
couldnt you like....have the calvary use blunt weapons, but then command them to follow you? It should knock the foot troops unconcious (eventually)

Yes and i belleive they do try to punch while they do that as well
Well, would you rather punch a piece of hardened steel with your bare knuckles and break your hand? If you play the game a lot, you would know how much of a sissy the soldiers are.
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