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Seriously, is it just me, or has there been a major downturn in the level of civility on the forum lately? I know people get tired of seeing new posts on topics that have been covered, but remember, this game seems to be getting a lot of new publicity, and that is going to lead to new people on the forums who perhaps aren't quite as jaded as the rest of us. (Granted, I've only been here a few weeks, so I probably still fall in the former category.) We should be glad that they're coming here and politely point them toward the stickies without jumping down their throats.
Agreed BobG, but if people come here and beg for a free serial number, it really gets on my nerves and im a very patient person. I just cant accept such behaviour and in my oppinion such threads should be deleted as soon as a Mod sees them and the person begging for a free serial should be banned at once!
Blade said:
Agreed BobG, but if people come here and beg for a free serial number, it really gets on my nerves and im a very patient person. I just cant accept such behaviour and in my oppinion such threads should be deleted as soon as a Mod sees them and the person begging for a free serial should be banned at once!

Blade is right.

There is a huge difference between asking "how to aim with a bow/crossbow/javelin/whatever" and "where to find a free serial".

As pointed out before, the former should be replied to with a link, while the latter should be deleted along with a PM telling the author of the post not to touch that topic again in the forums.
Blade said:
Agreed BobG, but if people come here and beg for a free serial number, it really gets on my nerves and im a very patient person. I just cant accept such behaviour and in my oppinion such threads should be deleted as soon as a Mod sees them and the person begging for a free serial should be banned at once!

I agree with Blade. Asking questions is one thing, but asking for a serial? C'mon. They deserve to be flamed. That is no different than going onto any other gaming board and asking for a warez copy that you purchased with your own hard-earned money.
Yeah, I agree on the serial number thing too. But that's a fairly rare occurrence compared to the other offenses some new members are guilty of, and for which at least in my opinion they are receiving unjust verbal punishment.
One guy said he would do anything for a code so I told him to clean my house with a toothbrush and a build me a fiffty foot mech that flys and mybe I'd think about it.He never got back to me about that.
pachoo said:
Asking questions is one thing, but asking for a serial? C'mon. They deserve to be flamed. That is no different than going onto any other gaming board and asking for a warez copy that you purchased with your own hard-earned money.
Agreed. Worst of all, they're no longer confining their efforts to the forum - now they're going into PMs. I just delete them.
What bothers me most about the begging for serials is that it's only $12. I mean COME ON! What other game with this level of graphics and realistic combat costs so little?
Drahkken said:
What bothers me most about the begging for serials is that it's only $12. I mean COME ON! What other game with this level of graphics and realistic combat costs so little?
wasnt it 15$?
Not as far as I know. Was $12 when I bought, but an update was out shortly after, and I know that they said the price would increase a little with each release. So, it may be $15 now. But still, that's dirt compared to the $49+ being charged for most games these days, and most of those games are best placed in compost bins.
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