Civil War idea

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I had an idea a little while ago, while i was talking with my friend and playing M&B. My friend is a Civil War nut, and we were talkin about the firearms and such they used back then. This got me thinking..

Well, M&B has 2 opposing sides, doesn't it? So did the civil war.

M&B has refugees and non-hostile peasants, doesn't it? So did the civil war.

M&B doesn't have guns, but they could be modded in, right? The civil war had guns, too!

Well, when the mod tools come out, perhaps some one could get to work on a Civil War mod.

The game already has cavalry, and guns shouldnt be too hard to implement with the tools.

This was just an idea..
why whats wrong with guns? espeically american (i presume) civil war guns, they would work like crossbows, powerfull with a slow reload time. I think it would balance well :smile: but then again... im easily pleased and not fussy :razz:
In American Secession War the Winchester was already developed, maybe not common. That rifel was able to shoot several shoot with only moving an iron piece after each shoot, and that movement was faster that the K98 one (german WWII rifle). So there were "fast-reloading" rifles. But anyways I like the idea, despite Henry V is right, English civil war would easier to make that American one.
It wasnt the winchester in the civil war, it was the henry repeating rifle and the spencer. The winchester came along just after the war. There were never very many of any of them during the civil war.

Either way the engine doesnt really simulate rank and file shooting very well. I think an indian wars mod seems more natural but either is doable given a little more firearm support from the engine.
Could also actually go closer to the M&B period with an England/Scotland boarder wars mod. Lots of different familes rather than nations fighting, still using crossbows and bows as well as arquebus and musket, alot of room for heros aswell with known family members.

Also quite a bit of variety in weapons and armour used, as one could always add in ex-military type units, since the border reivers were recruited by the armies of England and Scotland for light cavalry and skirmishers.

Easy-ish mod really, just need clothing changes and a few armours/muskets/arquebus added.
Winchester was developed about 1845-1850, so at war wasnt common, but existed. A so on, those rifles had a simillar reloading mecanism after each shot. It´s not the rifle model what makes it faster, its the system, and is simillar in both of them.
Winchester was developed about 1845-1850, so at war wasnt common, but existed. A so on, those rifles had a simillar reloading mecanism after each shot. It´s not the rifle model what makes it faster, its the system, and is simillar in both of them.

Sorry, there were no named winchester rifles in that time frame. Winchester didnt even buy a firearms company until 1855. In 1860 the henry repeating rifle was patented and it saw some use in the civil war. It wasnt until 1866 that an actual rifle was produced with "winchester" stamped on it.

You will hear civil war buffs talk alot about spencers and henrys... not winchesters. When someone refers to winchester rifles they are usually talking about the wild-west/post-war indian fighting period and not the civil war. Both had very similar designs though, seeing as the 1866 winchester was just an upgraded henry rifle.
I´ve a book about arms tha says winchester repeating rifle was developed about those years; while the Remington repeating firearms were starting to be released in the years you say.

Maybe the book is wrong, but I dont think so.
They were talking about repeating arms in general, not the winchester itself. Winchester is just one named type of repeating rifle. It would be hard to have a winchester before the company even existed.

The engineer that made the henry repeater was named henry and it was made for a company named volcanic but it was bought by a man named winchester. The company name was changed to winchester years later and the first repeating rifle with that name wasnt put out until 1866. The winchester 1866 was the beginning of the winchester repeating rifle line which went on for decades.
Then the only explication of the book "mistake" is that it calls the henry rifle as winchester cause its from the same constructor before somebody buyed his company.
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