Civil war-help!

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Yaroglek narked me, so being the powerful mercenary I was, threw my lot in with Valdym the Bastard,and proceeded to munch through Vaegir territory, and now all the previous loyalist lands are painted in red-mine and Valdym's red.

I thought the end of the war would be when I took the last remaining Vaegir territory,but nothing seems to have changed.
Having finally stormed Haringoth castle where the cowering loyalists  had locked themselves up (it was a great fight) I spoke to Valdym and he's just saying "we have all the lands, they have none,we have 7 lords, they have 12,overall we are winning the war but our enemy..."

WinNING?! What war! we've won! surely?! I can't convince any more Vaegir lords to come over to my side, they just attack/run away on sight. What am I supposed to DO?!

Please, help, what do I have to do to finally end this civil war that by rights should've been over ages ago?
You have to wipe out the remaining lords, any caravans and peasants(Veagir caravans and peasants) wandering has to either reach their destination or be wiped out aswell.

The rebellion does not end when you have captured all fiefs; you will need to track down and convince or defeat any remaining lords, as well as any caravans still belonging to the original faction. When all parties belonging to the faction have been eliminated the rebellion will end; the rebel faction will rename to the name of the original faction and takes on their allies and enemies, and the claimant will leave your party to take the throne (the usurper will leave without a trace). Any lords who did not join your cause will now join up with the reunited faction, although their opinion of you will be unaltered. You will remain the marshal of the faction until the ruler decides to call an election.

That's it. :smile:
What happens if I defeat one lord (i doubt any of the other 12 will be convinced) and in the time it takes me to clear up all the other peasants, caravans and lords the first one goes and raises an army again?

Seems like a lot of effort dont you think? They should have just accepted defeat by now!!

thanks for the replies!
As far as I understand, when you defeat a lord and he has no kingdom left, he won't have any place to respawn and replenish his army.
I believe that's the way it happens when you are about to defeat a kingdom.

So, about rebelling, doing it so will only give you a very good relation with the new king, well, a new king for the kingdom you are loyal to, and lets you be marshall until the king thinks otherwise?
I haven't actually done it, but I evaluated it a couple of times facing those usurpers wounded hearts in some cities. And now that I know, it's not much of a great reward... but the fun of it seems rewarding enough... hmm... will think about it.
(Although in my actual game, Ragnar looks like a though lad...)

And as you go on conquering bringing the civil war on the castles and cities, who gets the fiefs? Who has to garrison them? And pay for them?!
escargot said:
As far as I understand, when you defeat a lord and he has no kingdom left, he won't have any place to respawn and replenish his army.
I believe that's the way it happens when you are about to defeat a kingdom.

So, about rebelling, doing it so will only give you a very good relation with the new king, well, a new king for the kingdom you are loyal to, and lets you be marshall until the king thinks otherwise?
I haven't actually done it, but I evaluated it a couple of times facing those usurpers wounded hearts in some cities. And now that I know, it's not much of a great reward... but the fun of it seems rewarding enough... hmm... will think about it.
(Although in my actual game, Ragnar looks like a though lad...)

And as you go on conquering bringing the civil war on the castles and cities, who gets the fiefs? Who has to garrison them? And pay for them?!

Not necesarrily. I did a rebellion, and by the time I had completely wiped out the original it turned out that I had "- 21" relation with Lady Isolla of Suno. It's because if you don't distribute fiefs properly people get all pissy.
TBH I think all you have to do is wait Untill somebody admits defeat. This occurs when NO green is remaining (Vagir case. Rhodok would be cyan).
The civil war ends when all opposing armies and centers are defeated. If a faction has no centers, then no armies can spawn. You just have to mop up the remaining armies.

Caravans and peasants are irrelevant, since they change faction once all centers have been captured.
Fei Dao said:
The civil war ends when all opposing armies and centers are defeated. If a faction has no centers, then no armies can spawn. You just have to mop up the remaining armies.

Caravans and peasants are irrelevant, since they change faction once all centers have been captured.

No, you definetly have to kill caravans.

I ripped up all lords until it said they had none left. Then I found a caravan, killed it, and then it said I had won the war.
Who cares if they admit defeat?
Who cares if the Rebel actually succeeds?

Work with the Rebel leader as long as it suits you, take whatever towns you conquer as your own, then abandon the Rebel's cause just before you finally wipe out the last of the original kingdom. This leaves you as an independent lord with all the towns that you controlled while working for the Rebels.

Now proceed to wipe out the fiefs that were formerly Rebel fiefs, but converted back to loyal fiefs when you ended the rebellion.

Through this tactic I was able to use the troops of other lords to do my bidding while building my own empire. I own most of Swadia thanks to Lady Isolla and her puppets. Now I am using the Nord Rebels to take over their lands.
I got too into Valdym to give him up. All my relations and hardships with the various vaegir lords REALLY mattered to me, and I wanted to see it through.

Thanks for all the advice, Yaroglek was finally deposed and now the righteous Valdym sits on the hard-won throne.


Now what!?

I can't start any other rebellion in any other lands, because they say I'm too tied to Valdym! That leaves me in this endless war situation whereby I'm still a puppet to a kingdom and can't start any more wars of my own?!

What did you guys do once you won your rebellions?
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