SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Citizen/Troops with sympathy for factions

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It would be interesting if the tables were to be turned by a few tens of soldiers and citizens (as villagers may be involved too) who felt as though the attacking or defending force were more deserving of the settlement. Situations may vary, and here are a few options:

1. The original faction that owned the city/castle at the beginning of the game,
2. The success of the current faction owner in caring for its citizens,
3. The renown of the leaders involved, and the respect they have of the people (say Dethert was a terrible king, he wouldn't have the preference of the people's freedom fighters)
4. Not sure if this is included but if the tavern had people that had allegiances, or if they had a specific preference for fame and/or money, or if they held similar preferences to the people of the settlement, they could get involved too. Also, the settlement could make a last minute hire of the tavern troops too!
5. Finally, if there are sub factions involved, like minor clans, they could pick a side too, alongside the citizens and neutral troops.

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