Church(no magic or any sissy crap) and other ideas

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Here's an idea. Make several temples/churches where you can go to hire priests which would drasticaly add to your party's first aid, wound treatment, surgery and so on. Or make the priest class a little more rewarding. For example, maybe the priest can make money traveling from place to place healing Noblemen and such? And while I'm on the subject of wounds, if one is below 100% it would be so awesome to have bandages when in 3rd person. Or make bandages an option, increases healing rate if you have em on.

Theres a few more things I'd like to bring up, such as making the world HUGE, with a large amount of locations and environments one can visit. Like deserts, where one would have to ride a camel, snowy Vikingy regions, but anyway that is a little far-fetched, at least this early in the game.

Designing your character shouldn't be limited to the already limited facial features only. Height, body hair, build, would add a huge amount of diversity to the game. I realize the potential problems in animation it poses, but the rewards would be grand.

If anyone has played Betrayal at Krondor, when one visits a larger city, he can see a still image of the city, and clicking the mouse on various locations allows him to enter those locations (shop, tavern, garrison, etc.)
Rather then a plain menu a graphical representation of the city would be so much better, even better then Zendar where it takes forever to walk to each location.

And one final thing, a tailor, or something where you can customize the color/texture of your clothes and armor! For example, theres a complete lack of anything green in this game. Well thats my rant, sorry for packing everything into one thread, but im sure theres at least one good idea in there.
I think the menus are just there because the cities havn't been made yet, but in the end they will all be like the starting town.

And if you want to have first aid and such then get it yourself. Opportunity costs make the game fun.

You can make a cha/int character that never fights and does quite well.
[BD]ScurvySam said:
If anyone has played Betrayal at Krondor, when one visits a larger city, he can see a still image of the city, and clicking the mouse on various locations allows him to enter those locations (shop, tavern, garrison, etc.)
Rather then a plain menu a graphical representation of the city would be so much better, even better then Zendar where it takes forever to walk to each location.

Let me get this straight. Takes forever to walk to a different location in Zendar? from the centre it takes 3 seconds or so to go talk to anyone in the city. People today have a funny idea of forever.
Not to mention that walking makes it feel more like a game and less like a spreadsheet. As well as allowing you more flexibility. You can hide some NPC in the back who might give you a bandit quest.. what are you going to do in a menu "Visit the Bandit"? It's hardly as fun.
There's an idea, give the player the option to start a career as a crooked clargyman. I think everyone pretty much forgets that there's a monk class in the game.
I mean, he IS pretty useless, starting off with no horse and a staff that does 4 damage.

The idea of implementing a church into the game has already been discussed, but i would like to see it as a way of getting money (even though it shouldn't be, wink wink) and experience.
Ingolifs said:
There's an idea, give the player the option to start a career as a crooked clargyman. I think everyone pretty much forgets that there's a monk class in the game.
I mean, he IS pretty useless, starting off with no horse and a staff that does 4 damage.

The idea of implementing a church into the game has already been discussed, but i would like to see it as a way of getting money (even though it shouldn't be, wink wink) and experience.

The priest is the ultimate general class. He gets a ton of skill points, and after a few levels he's just as good in combat as any other character.
I think a church, like the merchant or a count's castle, should be a place where you can get certain kinds of jobs. For example "convert X number of peasants." could be a viable option.
I have made roughly 7 priests (and a nun) who have made it to level 26-30 all of which never traded their staff away (okay, for an iron one). From playing so many priests I just gotta say is they can easily hold their own in hand to hand combat however, their strength lies in commanding an army. Having 8 tactics, surgery, wound treatment, trainer, etc. you just tell your 18 hired blades to CHARGE and no one can bring them all down (and the ones that do are almost always knocked unconscious).

As for the other classes, I am having a hard time finding one to stick with. Squires are plain, hunters are bow users (not really a fan sorry), and merchants don't really serve a purpose. Merchants are the "money making" class but people already have tons of gold and they're other stength is how many followers they have, which, I don't refer to as an army because they are all peasants that get killed immediately so having 48 of them doesn't seem like it would help.

Anyways, back to the topic. I don't really think adding a church is necessary (unless it was like a corrupt seperate faction). Marnid or Borcha can be used as priesty classes if you aren't. Bandages would be kinda cool but, then there would have to be a wounding element in the game (constantly be taking damage while you are bleeding).
Nah you don't need a wounding element. Just something to make injuries seem more like injuries, and a little less like having the wind knocked out of you.
Well technically, since you can't be killed (or bones broken, etc.), I would say that all injuries are just getting the wind knocked out of you or a bump on the noggin... Say, bump on the noggin would be an outstanding idea. Everytime a river pirate thumps you on the head, you get a cartoon like bump protruding and then that way we could get a voice sample of Bugs Bunny saying, "One lump or two?" and then when you get knocked... wait... what the hell was I talking about?
actually each class is an attribute

Squire/Court Lady= Strength
Hunter/Hunter= Agility
Novice Preist/Nun=Intelligence
[BD]ScurvySam said:
If anyone has played Betrayal at Krondor, when one visits a larger city, he can see a still image of the city, and clicking the mouse on various locations allows him to enter those locations (shop, tavern, garrison, etc.)

:grin: I like this idea a great deal mainly because it seems like it would be very do-able. It's really a varation of the town menu-idea with a graphical flourish. It would appear to be far easier for a small company to do something like your suggestion than it would be to build a couple of dozen unique cities. We'd be more likely to get unique cities too rather than just two dozen Zendars.

Your other ideas are interesting also. The character classes do tend to blur as one develops so having more unique traits or more distinct classes could be the key.

A large world could be cool too, assuming there's an actual difference between the Wercheg coastal regions and the wastelands beyond Halmar. Otherwise it might be a case of more-of-the-same: I've suggested deserts, grasslands, forests, sea costs, mountain and that these terrains be reflected in the battlefields we fight in.

Ironically, the character face creator we have actually whets our appetite for more customization than we actually can do at this point. That's the weird thing about 2D avatars like those used in other RPGs: people can import virtually any character or face they want to portray. :smile:
Worbah said:
[BD]ScurvySam said:
If anyone has played Betrayal at Krondor, when one visits a larger city, he can see a still image of the city, and clicking the mouse on various locations allows him to enter those locations (shop, tavern, garrison, etc.)
Rather then a plain menu a graphical representation of the city would be so much better, even better then Zendar where it takes forever to walk to each location.

Let me get this straight. Takes forever to walk to a different location in Zendar? from the centre it takes 3 seconds or so to go talk to anyone in the city. People today have a funny idea of forever.
I've felt at times tired of always waking up outside the Zendar tavern and having to walk back inside because I was going to stay a few days to train troops and passing the time in the tavern is the fastest way. It can be pretty tedious. I know how he feels. :smile: :smile:
Allegro said:
What is the connection between a priest and surgery?

Is this a joke or are you seriously asking?

If it's a joke, I give up. What's the connection?

Otherwise, surgery is a intelligence based skill and priests are the class with the most intelligence. Hope that helps.
But the suggestion that you hire priests which add to your first aid skills is weird because he is a priest not a medic. Why should a priest know more about health care than a hunter?
Priests and certain monastic orders historically represented most literate and knowledgeable part of the medieval society. Almost every monastery had a herbalist, who was skilled in healing many adverse conditions. Also, some libraries in monasteries contained rare and valuable arabian tomes of medical knowledge that were far the most advanced in that time (Arabs were experts on medicine in medieval times).
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