Christmas or not?

Should the word "Christmas" be replaced by "holidays" in public places?

  • Yes! Saying "Merry Christmas" is insensitive to religious minorities!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. But if people choose to say Christmas instead of holiday, that should be alright.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who cares? As long as you get presents, what does it matter?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Everyone knows it is Christmas time, and it is just silly to pretend that Christmas does not ex

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! Replacing Christmas with Holiday is a vast atheist conspiracy to remove Christ's name from publ

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Johnathan Andrews

Sergeant Knight at Arms
Just curious what the rest of you though about using the word Christmas. For several years here in the United States, the word "Christmas" has been replaced by "holiday" by many companies and public officials, becoming taboo to use in the public arena.


Christmas = Holidays
Christmas break = Winter Break
Christmas party = Solstice party or "end of the year party"
Merry Christmas = Happy Holidays
Christmas present = gift, or holiday shopping

So is this a good thing, a bad thing, or completely pointless?

Sensitivity is great, but a) let's not go overboard, and b) isn't it somewhat insensitive to Christians for their religion to be "taboo?"

However, in referring to a wide demographic of people, I agree that more generic terms should be used. So, my first statement was in regards to people who you know are Christians, I guess.
I'm fackin' tired, so if that didn't make sense, my apologies.
Bloody political correctness, the local government here has banned christmas trees in public places, and if a muslim complains about your outside fairy lights, you have to take em down.
My lord the lord of flies, Beelzebub, doesn't like the word Christmas because it is mockery of the original pagan feast which it used to be. (Yes it is originally a pagan holiday, but it was easier to turn it into a christian holiday instead of creating a new one [that's what I've heard]).
I heard that it was to make the conversion of pagans to christians easier or faster, but I don't happen to have eye witness accounts so could be anything.
Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, Busses. :lol:

I will say one thing ... I am the most intolerant person when it comes to religion and offensive comments about it.

So much so ... that I think religion should be kept completely off these forums for the sake of making the most people happy and assuring the least amount of problems.

Keep it very light or choose not to post.

I should probably stop posting, I have no religious ties to upset me about the discussion but I wouldn't want to offend anyone. We can all have our beliefs no matter what.
Well I think that there is proof that there was some sort of pagan feast at the time we now celebrate christmas. Did Christ born at those times or was it set there to make converting (or anything) easier. People can decide for themselves what to believe.
i think it's rather silly but i don't care much about the topic.
i allmost voted who cares but i'm not getting any presents so i can't choose that one.
ín the end it's all fine with me as long as they leave sinterklaas alone

just to explain: in the netherlands we don't do that santa thing. well some people do but many people consider it to be stupid because
1 it's not a traditional dutch thing and people only do it because they watch to many american television programs/movies
2 we already have Sinterklaas. he is a guy that lives in spain, is a few hundred years old and comes to the netherlands every year on a big ship filled with presents that his black slaves (i'm not trying to be a racist! this is really what happens) who are all called zwarte piet put in childrens shoes at the fire place.

so christmas is just christmas in the netherlands exept that we call it kerstmis and it's all about christ being born. i haven't found any non christians in my life that find this offensive. just like we are not offended when they celebrate their hollidays.

there is one problem in the netherlands however. there are people in the government that think it should be possible for christians to get off work in christian hollidays. jews at their hollidays and muslims at muslim hollidays. there is nothing wrong with this but it makes me worried because i'm an atheist so i have no hollidays :sad:
You forgot to add an option in the poll which says:
- Christmas, christmas holidays, and the whole 'presents' annoying propoganda.

It would be so much better without all of the above. And we should not celebrate birthdays, new year and neither should we go on holiday. Just give everyone a yearly 'leave' which they can choose when to use up and thats it, people don't need more. "Holidays" just means that everyone is FORCED to quit work, and cluster in massive herds of other 'holidayers' (since they are also on holiday) and swarm + overpopulate places, create havok, increase crime rate, form long queus to restaurants and movie theaters, and generally annoy everyone else, but then nobody else can be annoyed because they are being part of it. I have to be honest, I hate all these celebrations, can't stand the tradition of buying presents (which I believe should come from the heart BECAUSE you want to give a present, not because its 'tradition' or a special 'day') and I dispise birthdays, especially mine.
[/rant off]
Ok now that I got that out of my system, who wants to go on an anti-holiday campaign with me? ::grin:
Destroying Christmass is the first step for replacing it with something else, an option in the poll is "atheist", but there's more people interested getting rid of it, which I can't mention to avoid offending anybody.

The fact is while Christian societies decide to bring down their celebrations and turn them into purely materialist holidays other societies out there boost their religions fundamentalism and expand them into Christian nations.

Better celebrate a cheerfull Christmass this year, otherwise some time in the future you may find yourself forced to worship a foreign god from a Desert land.

There's much more politics involved on this date than a simple day off work or a day to give presents.
Johnathan Andrews said:
Just curious what the rest of you though about using the word Christmas. For several years here in the United States, the word "Christmas" has been replaced by "holiday" by many companies and public officials, becoming taboo to use in the public arena.


Christmas = Holidays
Christmas break = Winter Break
Christmas party = Solstice party or "end of the year party"
Merry Christmas = Happy Holidays
Christmas present = gift, or holiday shopping

So is this a good thing, a bad thing, or completely pointless?

I think it's ****ing sad that they've even thought about changing it.
The politicians who pass these laws have waay too much time on their hands. And remember that we're paying for them to waste our time. Even if you're not a working tax-payer if you buy anything in shops your 'consumption' tax goes to finance them.
/vote Who cares, as long as there's presents?

If the veto of the word "Christmas" is purely for pretentious religions regions, then surely "Eid" should be come "Islamic fast breaking Ramadan holiday" and "Diwali" should be only referred to as "Hindu festival of lights", and so on and so forth.
I voted for... I forgot.

It started happening in Britain and I think it's Extraordinarily Stupid. If they care about other religios festivals for the sake of political correctness, why they persecute Christian festivals!

I'm not against political correctness (try not to be an ignorant offender is a good thing) but their attitude is patronising and shows their utter ignorance to the 'matter' they are trying to defend.
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