Chosing different type of attacks to to slow and moves veiw

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It seems that the invisible box that determines the type of attack(down, left right, thrust) is a bit large. The thing is that deciding which attack to use shouldnt take any time at all. The commencement is what should determine speed. of the strike. It just seems that most of the delay is in having to switch your veiw to extreme direction to activate the attack method. This little box should be much smaller. The animation for preparing for the attack(holding the attack button) and then the actuall swing/thrust itself(releasing the attack button) should decide the speed. My characters lower torso goes one way while his upper torso goes the other. This not only throws off the fluidity, speed, and positoning of the attack. It blinds and throws off your perrception of the enemies around you.

if it were a bit smaller you could maintain your orientation to the objective tasks at hand. The system is great but that one point seems to make it and any other possible future inovations irrelevant. Not to mention it make's it near impossible to riposte in a timely manner or fight multiple oponents at once. To parry, block, and evade multiple atackers, then riposte is immpossible even when there is some distance and delay betwen each of the opponents attacks, before the point you are mobbed and surrounded.
Wow, reading that reminded me of those sad hours in physical science class where I had no idea what my teacher was talking about no matter how hard I tried.
The problem is, if it becomes smaller, the attack direction becomes more twithy and it becomes easier to overshoot the arrow you're aiming for. If you're in a situation where the enemy is moving all around you, it becomes difficult to keep track of him in such a way as to be able to use the attack of your choice at any time.
Ingolifs said:
The problem is, if it becomes smaller, the attack direction becomes more twithy and it becomes easier to overshoot the arrow you're aiming for. If you're in a situation where the enemy is moving all around you, it becomes difficult to keep track of him in such a way as to be able to use the attack of your choice at any time.

Agreed. If the area was made smaller it could/would get very difficult to get the attack you want. Fights in M&B are fairly fast paced. I often have trouble getting the correct attack as things stand now ... :roll:
OK now I know what the original poster was suggesting and I agree with Narcissus. I'm Kind of a stupid man, the backbone of any good footsoldier army!
I don't think he means make each arrow box smaller. I think he means make the range inside them smaller, so you can more easily pick the angle without needing obtuse movements. If anything, this would help with what you guys are saying, because you'd be less likely to "accidentally" trigger combat arrows from a different opponent, since you aren't having to look so far away any more.

A lot of people have posted on this one already, and I think it would be nice, too. While we're on the subject, I also think the center of the box should be on the poerson's face, not their torso. I have a VERY hard time trying to get off a thrust attack with a longsword, etc.

=$= Big J Money =$=
That's the second definition, yes. At the risk of me calling you "acutely obtuse", go learn the first one, too. :twisted:

I think the simplest and most effective way is to co-ordinate the strikes with the directional keys. Like pressing left and click the attack, it does a cut from the right to left, and so on. Then you can do different angles like forward right for an overhead left to right slash. Perhaps there will be a difference between holding and tapping the directional key.
That was the system they used in Morrowind and it was a bunch of crap. You had to move forward or back to get a piercing attack, which means that you can't really sidestep your opponent while making your attack. The way M&B do it is inspirational and much more enjoyable than the awful Morrowind.

now the counter.... i loved the way that was used in Morrowind cause in rl you wouldnt just stand still and poke a sword forward... that would be silly! you move forward to jab. So imo it worked well and i wouldnt be unhappy if that was introducted in M&B instead of it just being random
I agree that sometimes you have to turn all the way to right or left to get the correct attack. This box can be made sligthly smaller. Also there is definitly something wrong with the thrust. Since you have to look all the way down to get a thrust, you end up hitting stomach or legs of your opponent.
I actually like how far to the sides of the opponent you have to look to determine swing direction. So you want to slash from left to right? Then you look left, and follow through by swinging the camera to the right. Not only is this realistic, but it certainly makes combat more enjoyable because it really makes you feel like you're swinging a sword. Unlike morrowind where you just stare at your enemy (keep him in the middle of your screen the whole time) and slash away. There's no camera movement at all, and it just makes combat rather stale (but morrowind is of course still one of the best games ever!).
Sir Saladin said:
Wow, reading that reminded me of those sad hours in physical science class where I had no idea what my teacher was talking about no matter how hard I tried.

he IS your science teacher :shock: :razz:
The diretional keys system like "Morrowind" is far from ideal, but the "M&B" way is not perfect neither. The biggest problem with the yellow arrow aproach is the fact you have to look away from your oponent to get a side slash. This is bad for 2 reasons: its always dangeours to look away from your enemy; it makes you waste valuable time.

When on foot Im usually afraid of moving my mouse all the way to the side of the screen to make a side attack. The time you waste doing that is usually enough for a skilled fighter launch an attack at you or to a fast archer to place an arrow at your head. So, most of my attacks end up being vertical or piercing ones, and that sucks becouse these attacks are pretty much harder to hit an infantry enemy than the horizontal attacks.


So you want to slash from left to right? Then you look left, and follow through by swinging the camera to the right. Not only is this realistic, but it certainly makes combat more enjoyable because it really makes you feel like you're swinging a sword.

Realistic? Why? I dont think a swordman would need to look all the way to the right just to make a slash from the right to the left. A swordman would be always looking at his enemy, and would never need to turn his head away just to make a different kind of slash.
My appologies for sounding cryptic. I was attempting to be concise.

Big j money stated the main point of my post clearly:

I don't think he means make each arrow box smaller. I think he means make the range inside them smaller, so you can more easily pick the angle without needing obtuse movements. If anything, this would help with what you guys are saying, because you'd be less likely to "accidentally" trigger combat arrows from a different opponent, since you aren't having to look so far away any more

And i am not a science teacher. :wink:

I agree very much with what Elias Maluco say's in the preceding reply.
IMO the best solution is not feasible: foot controllers :cool: Those would be ideal for controlling movement on the field, letting the mouse control the view and the arrows or WASD keys control weapon movement. I admit it's an unhelpful suggestion :wink:

Given that this is NOT an option, I wonder how hard it would be to make the "target box" adjustable? I.e. have it set as a separate slider along with mouse sensitivity, etc.? Only Armagan would know, but if it could be done it would let each player tune his or her setup to match both their computer specs and playing style. That seems worth it to me :smile:
Given that this is NOT an option, I wonder how hard it would be to make the "target box" adjustable? I.e. have it set as a separate slider along with mouse sensitivity, etc.? Only Armagan would know, but if it could be done it would let each player tune his or her setup to match both their computer specs and playing style. That seems worth it to me

excellent idea! :idea:
That is a very, very good idea. I still wish the box was centered on the face, though. For one thing, it's directly ahead of you because your own camera is on your own head. Second of all, I tend to look people in the face when I approach them, not down at their belly.

JUST IN CASE this isn't clear enough; what I dislike is having to look at someone's feet to thrust. What would be ideal is to look at their belly to thrust, and to look just above their head to chop. This seems only logical to me.


PS -- Shame on you guys who think Morrowind's combat system was anything remotely good! I NEVER got the strikes I wanted. Some of those stupid strikes actually depended on you moving diagonally. I remember a lot of people in the forums saying they always used the "perform best strike" option in the settings panel.
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