
It seems that the invisible box that determines the type of attack(down, left right, thrust) is a bit large. The thing is that deciding which attack to use shouldnt take any time at all. The commencement is what should determine speed. of the strike. It just seems that most of the delay is in having to switch your veiw to extreme direction to activate the attack method. This little box should be much smaller. The animation for preparing for the attack(holding the attack button) and then the actuall swing/thrust itself(releasing the attack button) should decide the speed. My characters lower torso goes one way while his upper torso goes the other. This not only throws off the fluidity, speed, and positoning of the attack. It blinds and throws off your perrception of the enemies around you.
if it were a bit smaller you could maintain your orientation to the objective tasks at hand. The system is great but that one point seems to make it and any other possible future inovations irrelevant. Not to mention it make's it near impossible to riposte in a timely manner or fight multiple oponents at once. To parry, block, and evade multiple atackers, then riposte is immpossible even when there is some distance and delay betwen each of the opponents attacks, before the point you are mobbed and surrounded.
if it were a bit smaller you could maintain your orientation to the objective tasks at hand. The system is great but that one point seems to make it and any other possible future inovations irrelevant. Not to mention it make's it near impossible to riposte in a timely manner or fight multiple oponents at once. To parry, block, and evade multiple atackers, then riposte is immpossible even when there is some distance and delay betwen each of the opponents attacks, before the point you are mobbed and surrounded.