Choosing your Followers

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This is a suggestion for an addition to the pre-battle screen.

In essence, it would look like this:

The white boxes to the left of the unit names would say how much of each unit is going into battle with you, and to the left of those will be +/- buttons to add or subtract the amount of units of that type. The blue box at the bottom will show the total amount of units you're bringing, and the red box to the left of it will show the maximum amount you're allowed as based on your tactics skill, advantage, and Battle Size slider

To save the hassle of having to select all those units every single time, their numbers will be generated automatically based on which unit is on the top of the list as it is now, and then if you'd like to you can go ahead and change it.

And the white boxes will be text boxes so you can change the number easily.

And you won't be able to see the enemy's numbers (unless maybe this is incorporated into the spotting skill, so that maybe you can see approximates at low levels and more specific numbers as you increase the skill better), and the computer's numbers will be more randomly generated so you won't know what to expect unless you have a good spotting skill.


-You can bring all your good units into battle to end a simple battle quickly.
-You can train specific troops without worrying about more advanced troops spawning with your weaker troops and stealing all the kills.
-Adds a bit more strategy.
-It's hot.
-Real hot.

So whaddaya think, eh?
I like the idea, but:

Maybe, have the current system still in, more or less, but those boxes will have the number of each troop that will be appearing on the screen in the battle. You can then fiddle with those numbers. THere should be a seperate button that says Solo or something and puts all the boxes at 0 so you and only you go in. Maybe toggles for Mar+Bor as well. Others will no likely complete the thoguht I was having.
PrinceScamp said:
I like the idea, but:

Maybe, have the current system still in, more or less, but those boxes will have the number of each troop that will be appearing on the screen in the battle. You can then fiddle with those numbers.

I guess I wasn't too clear, that's actually what I meant.

PrinceScamp said:
THere should be a seperate button that says Solo or something and puts all the boxes at 0 so you and only you go in. Maybe toggles for Mar+Bor as well. Others will no likely complete the thoguht I was having.

Great ideas! Perhaps Marnid and Borcha could simply have toggles next to their names like all the other troops, and the option for going Solo could be part of the list of options like ordering your troops to attack without you.
I think being able to choose the people who go with you is something that should be added. Perhaps even choosing their spawn points on your edge of the battle map. You know, get the cavalry in a good flanking position etc.
Garth said:
Excellent! Now anyone know how to get Armagan's attention? :???:

Thats not hard just pay him a visist and bring along muchos $$$.
Or send him even more $$$ then he may be interested in talking to you, when you still have some extra $$$ of course. :wink:

And i think this is really needed. So i support it with 1 $ :wink:
i would love so much if i could choose only my slaver chiefs to hunt down a noble, or in Last Days, to choose only my skilled spearmen and javelin masters to go up against Rohan
bryce777 said:
I thinkt hat would make it too easy. The whole point is to simulate confusion and randomness.

Maybe if you're attacked but if you're the one who attacks, I think you should have the initiative.

And to avoid abuse in this regard, the game can easily decide who's the attacker and who's the defender - the moment a group targets you on the world map - that should make them the attackers. If you target a group first, that makes you the attacker.

That way you can't trick the AI into making you the attacker by simply charging a group that you are trying to outrun but can't escape.

But yes, I'd like the ability to choose what troops I bring in my fights - when attacking at least - and I'd also like the tactics skill playing a part in it all. As for defending, it could be made random I suppose - as to simulate confusion, but high tactics skill should reduce this confusion penalty IMO.
I don't know, but as long as you have turned to face them early enough, you should still get your status as the attacker. Turning to face someone does put you on the defending ground, but the defender should get more options.

Wouldn't mind seeing some way for you to be able to choose your battle ground if wait for someone to come to you.
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