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allows you to cheat. I'm lazy, but do a search on the forums, there's a list of cheats somewhere. once you change it from cheatmode=0 to cheatmode=1 and enter the game you can use all the cheats.

The ones i remember are ctrl+click on the map teleports you
ctrl+x at inventory gives 1000 gold (unless the amount changed with new patch)
ctrl+x at character screen gives exp (i never payed attention to how much)
Another sticky? Do you wish to make newcomer's head explode? The more stickies there are, the less will they be read.

I would suggest to unsticky at least few others.
There's a sticky cheats thread which doesn't seem to serve a purpose.

Besides, cheats are covered in the faq questionnaire sheet. One needs only to copy and paste it in the offending thread.
lol anyway when i said sticky the cheats thread i ment the offical cheats thread not this one >_<

this one -
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