I like to beat a game straight and fair, then go back and play with cheats just for fun.
Running through 'that one level that is nearly impossible' with the most powerful weapon in the game while invincible is fun
I only cheat if I just CAN'T beat a level. However, I'm not very good, so most levels are impossible for me. In ANY game. I have trouble with pacman, fer chrissakes.
Personally, I will not cheat unless I've beaten a game fairly at least once.
Of course... in a game with no end... that's a little different.
But honestly, you can't tell someone else that it's wrong for them to cheat. If that's how they enjoy the game, then that's their choice. After all, what they do in their game has nothing to do with your own enjoyment of the game.
The only time cheating is "wrong" is when it's for a multiplayer game (usually online) because then it's actually giving one player an unfair advantage over another.
But honestly, you can't tell someone else that it's wrong for them to cheat. If that's how they enjoy the game, then that's their choice. After all, what they do in their game has nothing to do with your own enjoyment of the game.
The question was "what cheats I'd like to see in the game". None. I don't cheat. What other people do is their business, but I'm not going to ask for cheats because of people who can't keep their itchy fingers off cheat codes.
And what on earth is the point in cheating in a game like this? So you got Black Armour on level 1 - and that was before you raised yourself to level 30 with a few codes? Yeah, LOL, haxx0r. Good for you. Now you can pwn (and shote teh snypa xbow on auto-fire) - without having worked one second to earn it.
Any cheats lower the life-expectancy of the game a lot. So... No thanks!
Mine character:
34 level, black armor, a black helmet and black boots. A party - 45 person.
NO Any special difficulties in destruction of enemies, including dark hunters, war parties and others.
Simply it would be desirable to have fun a little.
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