Charging crossbows

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Hey there, i'm kinda new to this utterly awesome game, but i have a minor problem.

I've recently been using some Swadian Crossbowmen in my party, and the problem is that when i give the "charge" order, instead of moving into firing range and start to fire they will grab their handweapons and charge into melee. Waste of a good crossbowman i say :???: . Anyway to fix this, like giving another order or something?

/ M&B Addicted penguin
An excellent point.

Perhaps the content addition of tactical options - for the AI to respond to?

options = fun

edit: it's in the back of my mind that once your leadership goes up, those options become available to you.

For example: My leadership goes from 3 to 4 as I level and train. Now, I can order crossbowmen to use ranged, in addition to the order to the other people.

This makes some sense. A player would be able to see that logic. Better leadership means also a greater variety of commands available to them.
Mixed parties have that problem: order a charge and your footmen fall behind and your ranged units don't use their missiles as much.

There are ways to get around that of course: you let the enemy charge you and your missile troops fire as they approach; your horse and infantry wait for the charge command. At least then the crossbows will have done some damage before they switch weapons.

Separate commands is the wished for solution.
I noticed that if I give the "follow me" order and stop, my Vaegir Marksmen tend to line up in front. They take shots when the enemy gets in range. Then I charge in on horseback, hit the "charge" order and my mounted and infantry units enter the melee.

This also helps getting the infantry some action. Instead of having to follow the moutned units halfway across the battle field, we wait until the enemy comes to us. Timing is important though, because the marksmen will get roughed by mounted units if you don't intercept them first.
With my archers I do one of two things depending on the terrain. If at the startig location of the battle there is high ground nearby overlooking the field, I would ride up to the tup and issue a "hold position" Then I would run down to the visible field and fight all of the baddies while my archers slaughter them from afar all around me! However one time one of my archers gfot a head shot on me! lol..... I was pwned.
Oh I would love to be able to give charge to only some units.

If you don't the melee troops tend to hang back even if their buddies are getting pasted, if you do you lose the ranged capabilities.
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