Charge onto the stands?

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Was doing a tourney battle and running around charging at the people when I ran into the wall, and.. my horse jumped into the stands/viewing area? :razz:

Kinda odd, here's a screenshot though.

Posted as a link because the image is ~100KB for some reason. Kinda funny though. Dunno how I'm going to win now. They can still shoot me (archer on the left), but I can't seem to get out. :smile:
Reiel said:
Oh god, now that is funny! How'd you manage that?

I'd charged the bowguy, hit him (he was over more at the time), and ran into the wall with the viewing area on it, and somehow warped up there. :razz:
This is probably a variation of the wall bug in the arena, I posted a cool pic of me staring into the pit on the other side in the captions sticky on the M&B Discussion page.
Hehe, I've seen dead horses and people thrown up onto the wooden wall on the other side of the arena countless times... I guess this must be somehow related. Seems like sometimes the game miscalculates your velocity... or something along those lines :razz:.
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