I thought the default command issued at the beginning of a battle, with the exception of sieges, is 'hold position.' But in the latest version of Diplomacy, my troops are charging by default. Is this intended, or....?
Hm...are you sure? I've played several different mods and they've all had 'hold position' as the default order for field battles. Regardless, I've added a script now so I can choose their starting orders...
The default in Native for field battles is Charge. The developers have tinkered with siege starting orders over the patches and those vary by division.
Perhaps you've been playing Custom Commander + Diplomacy in the OSP mod, ripple? Custom Commander changes the field battle starting orders to Hold.
The code ripple refers to is in my sig...as are simpler codes to change the starting order to Hold or Follow (a la custom commander).
Caba' Drin's pre-battle orders kit is the script that I added and it's working amazingly for field battles (it doesn't work for siege and village battles but I am sure those who have above-rudimentary knowledge of python can edit the script to make it so).
I could have sworn that older versions of Diplomacy had 'hold position' as the default battle order but I guess I could be wrong.
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