Character's representation on the world map

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A quick request that I don't think will generate much of a conversation - I would like the representation on the world map to take into account the character's current armour and steed (e.g. My character has full black with spirited charger, but the world map representation has a leather jerkin and a hunter).
OR change in avatar to represent change in affiliation.

For instance, I'd like having a shield with blazons that changed when I allied with the Swadians or Vaegirs.

I like both ideas and i agree it wouild be nice to see my self on the world map as i look in battle. :grin:
this was mentioned before but a 5-person manhunter group looking different then 25-person group would be nice. something like adding 1 person to map look per 5 real soldiers would make difference. 10 maybe, not to exaggrate. (typo?)

imagine the warparties. brrr. scary :twisted:
How about having the equipment of the party leader visible and a banner held by each party signifying the side they're on? Bandit parties could have random ones based on what kind they are.
Maelstorm said:
this was mentioned before but a 5-person manhunter group looking different then 25-person group would be nice. something like adding 1 person to map look per 5 real soldiers would make difference. 10 maybe, not to exaggrate. (typo?)

imagine the warparties. brrr. scary :twisted:

That was exactly what I had in mind but couldn't think how to suggest it. To have a representative unit for each actual troop in the party really isn't a good solution, but here's my thoughts:

Map Party Representation:
- 1 Icon per Hero
- 1 Icon per 5 Troops
- 1 Semi-Transparent Icon per 5 Prisioners

- Hero icons would resemble what they're wearing and mouting.
- Troop and prisoner icons would be according to percentages* and resembling a default outfit.

* As for the percentage, here's how it would go:

Ex 1. Party composed of 4 swadian knights and 9 hired blades would show as one swadian knight icon and one hired blade icon.
Ex 2. Party composed of 1 brigand and 14 dark knights would show as three dark knight icons.

Hope you like the suggestion.
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