Character Voices

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I think it would be cool if we could choose a voice for your character when you create one. I think it would be really neat to hear my guy yell "chaaaaarge!" or "dis-MOUNT!" and other variations of the same thing when I issue the orders. Or will the mod tools let you import your own sounds for those type of things?
I'd like that, especially if we get several choices of men's and women's voices.

Combat has decent sounds now that I like and appreciate but there's room for additional stuff.
Good idea. Voices in battle would be really nice. Some animations to go with it might be a good idea aswell.

Merchants having voices would also be nice, but eventually you'll have heard it all and not care about it as much anymore.
This was proposed already a few times, and I thought there was a voice-actor somewhere around on these forums as well. :smile:

EDIT: I like the idea though, of course. Brothers in Arms has cool animations and voices for commands. :smile:
If there will be voices, they should be good and have a great variety. If not it's better that there are no voices.
ilex said:
If there will be voices, they should be good and have a great variety. If not it's better that there are no voices.
I agree.

Three versions of the charge command is going to become boring, especially if one of them is bad or annoying.
Instag0 said:
I'm sure there are people on these forums that Taleworlds could hire to do some minor voice acting :smile:.

I'd do it for free, just to be able to say 'My voice was used in a video game' at parties.
it would be really cool if they would tell who how they battle was going.... ex
Sir there killing us one by one you must do something
Funny thing. I'm an actor. Disclaimer: My microphone sucks.
But I'm pretty good at voice acting, though I've never done voice acting professionally. I'd definitely do it for free.
ilex said:
If there will be voices, they should be good and have a great variety. If not it's better that there are no voices.

Agree or people will just turn them off. But if it can be done right it will add a lot to the game. :cool:
Keemo said:
ilex said:
If there will be voices, they should be good and have a great variety. If not it's better that there are no voices.

Agree or people will just turn them off. But if it can be done right it will add a lot to the game. :cool:

Ok, that leaves me out then. Although I've often thought I'd make a good Constable Hareck: Yeah, what do you want?

No, wait, let me try that again: Yeah, WHAT do you want?

No, that's not it. One more time: Yeah, what do you WANT?
JohnathanStrange said:
Keemo said:
ilex said:
If there will be voices, they should be good and have a great variety. If not it's better that there are no voices.

Agree or people will just turn them off. But if it can be done right it will add a lot to the game. :cool:

Ok, that leaves me out then. Although I've often thought I'd make a good Constable Hareck: Yeah, what do you want?

No, wait, let me try that again: Yeah, WHAT do you want?

No, that's not it. One more time: Yeah, what do you WANT?

We really ought to expand Hareck's dialogue:

That's it Jonathan. You blew up three caravans tracking down the perps and the commisioner is jumping down my neck.

You get results, but you're a loose a cannon too! You're off the force. Hand in your wooden shield.
Vinz Klortho said:
We really ought to expand Hareck's dialogue

Voice acting commands in one thing, but voice acting npc dialogue is another. Note that I'm not disapproving the idea: quite contrary. It's just that the dialogue should be honed and improved a lot from what it is now before that can be done (sorry, Armagan!).

Actually npc voice add-on should probably be the last final touch to the game after the plot is complete. If it's ever even added.

Sorry, if I sounded too serious. I know you were just jesting about... :smile:
As long as no-one says "All your base are belong to us." :roll:

I'd like to see a knight fall off a horse and yell, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" :wink:
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