Character stuff

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Customizing your character should be more free, more like you can customize on say the sims 2 and there is a need for more skin tones/faces and hair especially faces.

oh yeh and:

Female needs to be more busty/round - u know what i mean

If you know how to do cloth effects/can on blender then they would be ace, u can on maya which i recon is so much easier to use than 3dsmax (ive got version 7 of both and maya is easier by miles)

those weapons that are attached to chains no, not numchuks although they would be good for a chinese mod :smile:.

Maybe a skill like scouting that detects how many enemies there are, i think it'd be harder if unit groups where put as group names and you can detect better as your skill does:

1st : a few horsemen
2nd : 4 - 9 horsemen
3rd : 5 - 7 horsemen
4th : 6 horsemen

this would make it much more like heroes of might an magic and lets face it, the map screen bit already suggests ideas taken from this game (owned by a now defunct company 3do)
I haven't played The Sims 2, but I agree with having more customization options, like specifying your character's weight and height. But, extra customization options would only be eye candy, and I think gameplay improvements should go ahead of that.
Come on guys... these aren't real women. If you want to look at an enormous breasts go outside. Maybe the ability to control bust size on your character model would be a decent idea for character customization but we don't need the default model to be running around with DD's.

The face customization is already outstanding, while I wouldn't argue against body customization I wouldn't fight for it either.
It might seem something small, but how about changable eyecolor? Oh, and in the facial hair department, might I suggest one for just a goatee?
I would love to see more character options.
more hair, skin and beard choices.
I think weight and height should definitely be an option.
I would love to make characters short and fat.
large breasts is a dumb idea i think.
Customizable however is a good idea.

I can see (manually) changing my character's body type as stats change. That would really excite me. Once again though, it won't show through the armor.
The thing I instantly objected to was the larger breast sized.  Look at most female athletes, especially gymnasts, runners, and swimmers.  Remember that breasts are basically fat deposits, and physically fit people tend not to have said fat.  Therefore, athletic women tend to have smaller breasts.  I like the in-game size as it is.
Actually, they seem a little large. Not huge, mind you, but more than I'd expect from a fighter. The women also seem frail, in that they have less muscle than they should with say power strike 5+. That's part of what I'd like control over. And hell, if people want large hairy mammaries on them, let em.
While wearing a dress the arms get far too skinny.  When wearing nothing, though, the female body is a nicely toned thing with lithe muscles, rather than bulky testosterone-induced ones.  I just wish you could get that while wearing armor, to a certain extent.
Maybe a trigger, so that if you put on a suit of armor, it changes to a female version?

In some of the mods, they use some female armor, and it's just available along with the male (like the dresses actually). It would be a lot of work to equate all the types and make models for them, but would be a cool thing.
Definitely like the trigger idea. 

Yeah, that armor is Schah Kiera's, downloadable from the repository.  The armor models need tweaking, rather than complete editing.  Slightly slimmer arms, a little smaller waist and higher waist,, and a smaller neck.  Other than that, the armor itself pretty much makes everything look like the males'. 

Edited for clarity.
What's the need for breast stuff. you can increase the male breast size tenfold in game, you know.... :grin:

I think female armor is needed aswell.  But I would guess that is part of being a version 0.751 thing...

Breast size is pretty large already as stated in a previous post.  Makes no difference to me if it can be controled, which ever the devs want to do on that. 

More customizing could be neat, but I don't know what more then face you would have because, as previously mentions also, armor would hide alot of that.
Most armor should not show breasts at all. For plate armor, it would defintely be and error, and the weight of maille would press them down, and they would almost have to be bound (think about having that kind of weight slaminig against your testes, boys). The normal clothing can (I suppose), but even here, you would probably want the damn things secured when you know you might be moving quickly.
These are pretty busty models though... Do you think they could really squeeze into a piece of plate made for a man?  I would think they would need some extra room to beable to breath.

I am pretty sure mail woulding weigh them down to flat.  It isn't that encredibly heavy...

But I don't know.  I've never seen a busty midevil woman in plate or mail before.  Only movies and play fighters.

I know they would probably want them secure, I just don't think they would want them steam rolled.
calandale said:
Customizable however is a good idea.

I can see (manually) changing my character's body type as stats change. That would really excite me. Once again though, it won't show through the armor.

I like this idea alot. I guess it is somewhat similar to the idea behind Fable, where your actions affect your appearance.

At the very, very least I want the option to modify height. Everyone is the same height in the game... it's a little bland. Beyond that tying a persons build/appearance to stats would be great, but barring that more options to morph the body types are really needed. Oh and chain mail bikinis... can't forget those! :p
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