Character Starting Attributes

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Ok, I found how to edit their starting attributes, skills, and starting equipment and money. (

What I CAN'T find is how to change how many points the player is free to distribute at the beginning of the game. Anyone find this?

The more Intellegence means the more skill points.

You don't really want to change how many skill points to distribute at the beginning, much better having a conversation cheat or sommat.
Because if you can't distribute everything, the Done button dosen't ungrey therefore: no clicky.
Lobos said:
What I CAN'T find is how to change how many points the player is free to distribute at the beginning of the game. Anyone find this?
Like GhostThaxian said, it's based on intelligence. Looking in, there is no operation listed to give just skill points. That doesn't mean there's no way to do it I bet, just no way easily provided by the standard operations in place.
Meh, thanks for the help.

I'll have to workaround that then.

Btw, working on a mod, but I'm not saying anything since I dont know half the stuff I'm going to put in there, Just modifying the gameplay to my liking, trying to find how everything works.
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