Character Starting Attributes (.711)

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Skanky Burns


There have been a few balance changes. All male characters now start out with the same number of attribute points as their female counterparts (30 total, males used to have only 28), total skills have been raised across the board while starting weapon skills have been lowered, particularly two-handed and polearms.

Cool chart. Here's the starting inventory of each selections:

Squire (m):
(leather_jerkin, ragged),
(saddle_horse, swaybacked),
(35 gold)

(35 gold)

Hunter (m,f):
(35 gold),

Priest/Nun (m,f):
(35 gold),

Merchant (m/f):
(salt",0), x4
(pottery",0), x4
(65 gold),
I'm a huge fan of DW and M&B, when can i expect you to finish your unique fusion iof the 2, and although im no pro at moding, would i be of any assistance?
Hoochinator said:
I'm a huge fan of DW and M&B, when can i expect you to finish your unique fusion iof the 2, and although im no pro at moding, would i be of any assistance?

Sorry to hijack this thread Skanky Burns...

You should post this intot he DW/RTK Mod Thread, thats what its exists for. :wink:

Just click on the picture in my signature and you will be in the right thread btw.

We made some good progress lately.

Many models,textures, map icons, The MAP and such things.

When its finished nobody knows, but a first version could be released in 2006/2007 :wink:

If you want to help sure why not, have you done anything like that before?
Can you texture things, use 3d Model tools, do you have good knowledge about DW/RTK and such things.
Also what would you like to do.
There are things like making troops/heroes also.
What are the classes good for? Why don't you remove it and let the player choose where he puts his attribute points and what class he is? That's one of the things I liked in Morrowind.
Bismarck said:
What are the classes good for? Why don't you remove it and let the player choose where he puts his attribute points and what class he is? That's one of the things I liked in Morrowind.

M&B does not have classes. It has character backgrounds. Starting as a squire does not prevent you from becoming a skilled merchant(goods or slaves... your choice). Starting as a nun does not prevent you from becoming a skilled archer and tracker. The game just works under the assumption that since your character is an adult, he/she did not come from nowhere. Thus, you start with a few skills tied to a specific background.
Because the tracks of the animals eating crops are much harder to find than the ones left by prey. But seriously, what the heck is a nun doing outside the monastery anyways?
partizan said:
now i see court lady is better..

Partizan, don't just post your subjective opinion.  If you want to say you think the court lady is a better starting character, then tell us why.  Support your position.

Othewise you are just cluttering up the thread.

So is there any practical reason to pick the nun or the priest?  The other classes seem to start much better off.
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