Character Saying commands not writing\reading them

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I reacon a really cool feature in the game would be to actually hear your character say the commands from the command slots.
I mean wouldn't it be awsome rushing into battle and hearing a massive "CHARGE!" and your men shouting as they run into battle. And the charaters voice could vary depending on what gender, careers and background you chose at the start of the game.
It would add more reality to the game i think and also make you feel more apart of it really.
And what the character actually says could vary aswell depending on what faction he/she is in and what he/she is killing.
I reacon some cool examples of this would be things like saying:

"Get in line scum!" -stand closer/spread out
"For the Nords/Swadia/Vagris/Khegric/Rodhooks"-Charge
"Hold here...i'll see whats happening"-hold this position
"Advance Lads"-advance 10 paces
"retreat"-fall back 10 paces
"we're taking prisoners today laddies/lets send these pigs to the slaughter"-use blunt weapons/use weapons at will
"let me lead"-follow me

But any just another suggestion i think would be cool for the next version...and im quite sure nobody else has suggested it
If people were illiterate, they'd still find the game nigh impossible to play; haven't you seen the overwhelming amount of text in the game? Perhaps you've never been to a town or village? Or fought a battle in M&B? There's text all over; simply making commands sayable wouldn't help illiterate people anymore than anything else, since they'd most likely not reach that stage.
Still, if we had a variety of voicesets, it might add an extra bit of appeal to the game. I've seen this system in other games, as well as in mods for other games, and I personally appreciated them. It's nice to hear your character talk for once.
i know about them but my friend has (can't remember the name of the mod but it has talking in it) them and says they are not that good(the recordings) so it would be good if you made a proper one in the native version(get the actual soundproof rooms and actors i guess).

Sure SOME mods are alright but most of them i've played are quite bad (lots of bugs,LONG loading time, stupid imports ect)
If you made this change in the actual game it would make it much more pleasant.

ps-that "attracting illiterate people to the game" was just a joke
Why so serious Kaibur??

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