Character File Crashed, where is it stored?

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There I was just riding along and the screen popped up asking me if I really wanted to renounce my Allegiance. What? the heck. So I said no, and closed the game with out saving. Tried to open it back up and got an unrecoverable error. Tried again with an earlier save and all works fine, but I lost a year of progress.

Looks like something trashed the save file. Does anyone know where the save file is located?  I've looked through all the folders sorting by date and cannot find anything that matches. I'm hoping I can check the file and maybe find something I can fix.

If you can't get it open it's likely ruined. But then that's why people say (or they should anyway) that you should save often. That's why I play my games with the option to save anytime I want... and not have the game force saves on me. Not saving for a year sounds crazy to me.
I think he was saving often but his current save got corrupted some how so he had to revert to a secondary save file he created a long time ago. Since you only get 9 save slots its not that convenient to be making multiple save files for a single character but in this case its good he did.
Not exactly sure as I have to this from memory and translate to English.

The save games are in a folder under your standard My Documents folder, something like
My document\mount & blade save game\native (or whatever module name). There you have your save games for the mod and a copy of your second last save (forgot the exact name, you will recognize it). Delete the corrupted file, rename the extra save and start the game again - praying for luck might help :wink:
Instead of deleting the old save you can also rename the extra save with a new number, I think 01 to 12 are all OK.

By the way that message could be just the end of your mercenary contract - it expires after 3 months but can be renewed monthly.
Virmin said:
I think he was saving often but his current save got corrupted some how so he had to revert to a secondary save file he created a long time ago. Since you only get 9 save slots its not that convenient to be making multiple save files for a single character but in this case its good he did.

I always save to a different slot each time. That way I can always go back a couple days or even the same day and keep going. :wink:
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