Character customisation and control over heroes...

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First things first, hats off to to team. Mount & Blade is easily one of the better games I've played this year, and the best medieval combat "sim" I've laid eyes on. Ever. By a long shot. Hip hip hooray, and all that.

I've browsed through most of the suggestions forum, so I'm hoping not to bring up any repeats here. I can't say I'm a big fan of what words spout from my character's mouth. Now, I know it's really early days for this, and time is better spent polishing the core gameplay, but I think it's worth bringing up. I'd like to be able to choose my character's personality. A simple way to go about it would be to simply pick a personality at character creation, and that your character's dialogue (even others') changes accordingly.

And this one's a tad less picky - would it be possible to assign some of your units to other heroes, and give heroes seperate commands? Say, my favourite character is a two-handed axeman. But the hero that travels with me is horseback archer. This hero would be ideal for leading, say, caravan guards; my character makes a naff leader for anyone other than crossbowmen. It'd be nice if I could take command of all the foot troops, and my ally could be assigned the nomads. I could tell the fighters to stand their ground, and command my ally to charge instead. I haven't the foggiest how hard this would be to implement, but woo.

Keep it up, Armagan and ipek. Mount & Blade just keeps getting better and better.
Hey, mumbly. PA represent :grin:

The personality thing seems useless to me, probably because the only conversations in this game are asking to see a merchant's wares and a one liner when you engage an enemy. Maybe when the game is more advanced and not just core gameplay it could be a useful addition.

The advanced tactics system seems cool, though. I bet we'll see a bit of improvement on the tactics involved in combat as the game goes through developement.
Why not have some Fallout-style dialogue (or Baldur's Gate, or PS:T, whatever). I mean, picking a certain personality type or whatever at the beginning will still require the same amount of dialogue to be written, but it takes away choice throughout the game.

But yeah, I agree. It's jarring when my character says something that I totally wouldn't have wanted him to say.
Hi Mumblyfish,

I can see your point, but it's impossible to make a character say what you'd like to say unless you are playing a multiplayer game or P&P.
armagan said:
Hi Mumblyfish,

I can see your point, but it's impossible to make a character say what you'd like to say unless you are playing a multiplayer game or P&P.

I think what he means is when the game begins, you choose from a list of character 'types'. Positive hero, mercenary, bandit (just a couple of examlpes) - and the game uses the dialogue file for each respective personality.

i.e. a merchant asks you to hunt down some local bandits.

Hero: "Of course! Such crime cannot go unpunished!"
Mercenary: "Sounds like fun. Now, exactly HOW much are you willing to pay me?"
Bandit: "You'd better pay damn well for this, or I'm coming for you next."
What about pyschotic?


Drunk: "Gimme a couple hours, man. I'm hung over."
Evil: *stabs merchant in the face, takes his money*
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