Character Affectations

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Do you have any habits or affectations that you apply to the gameworld while playing M&B? I know I do.

I'm one of these people who prefers the gritty look of things like chainmail to fancy plate armour, and so I'll go for a thick mail hauberk rather than hardened black armour, for instance. I tend to role-play a moderately successful man-at-arms no matter how rich my character becomes, as I simply prefer the look of chainmail.

Similarly, I don't go in for steel shields - I prefer wooden ones of some description because they're just more... right.

I can't be the only one with this sort of sickness, can I? :razz:
I'm going to be giving my character all the black armor and stuff in the end, but I'll do it with reluctance. I started over so I could use mounted Vaegir knights, and this time, the character's a proper Vaegir as I see it. Norse type name and everything. As cool as I personally find the Heraldic armor, I refused to lose the leather jerkin until I finally got a chain mail hauberk (Crude, unfortunately.) off of some sea raiders. The helmet, too, was similarly nordic or nothing. I even got around the general mediocrity of the nordic sword by embracing the way of the axe. In the end, though...I just hate getting killed. So, the spear will give way to the great lance, the shield will become steel, and so on. But I'll try and keep the proper look as long as I can.
I think the Vaegirs look like the Goths but the Vikings went all over the world so who knows. I prefer the look of the "hardened wool cap." I don't care about getting my little computer dude's skull caved in I just want him to look like a very violent Papa smurf. (I'm just joking around.) Actually the helmets and armor are the sort of stuff I wanted to see in the Dark Age of Camelot game. Those game developers are very nice and they work hard but I just don't like MMRPG anymore. I love this game.
n00854180t said:
I really like the way the robe looks. I think I'm going to make a priest character that carries a sickle.

Then you should pump up tactics and leadership as well as recruit troops to be able to shy away from combat. High levels in first aid and surgery will also do wonders to keep those troops alive.
I also prefer to play in character rather than be a "power gamer." So I will chose options that go with having a female horse archer leading a party of misfits.

If I have to forego a weapon that looks really cool, than so be it. There's always another time, another character.

So, I have past up a good warhorse here, an excellent crossbow there, and so on.

We have to play "our game" and not try to all the same uber-hero.

That's why I'm into gaming anyway. I'm babbling so I'll stop... :smile:
My guy only fights naked, but sometimes he'll wear a scary looking hat.

Yeah he gets beat up a lot. But he is determined!
GreenKnight said:
I'm going to be giving my character all the black armor and stuff in the end, but I'll do it with reluctance. I started over so I could use mounted Vaegir knights, and this time, the character's a proper Vaegir as I see it. Norse type name and everything. As cool as I personally find the Heraldic armor, I refused to lose the leather jerkin until I finally got a chain mail hauberk (Crude, unfortunately.) off of some sea raiders. The helmet, too, was similarly nordic or nothing. I even got around the general mediocrity of the nordic sword by embracing the way of the axe. In the end, though...I just hate getting killed. So, the spear will give way to the great lance, the shield will become steel, and so on. But I'll try and keep the proper look as long as I can.

Someone shares my affliction! :razz:
I dont like the black helm so I stick with reinforced regular plate. For a long time I just used nomad armor (till I was over level 20) but when I moved up to full damage difficulty I had to upgrade.

Regular full plate looks pretty gritty, I also like the coat of plates.
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