Changing the rules of getting killed/knocked unconscious: Wound points edition.

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Grandmaster Knight
English isn't my mother tongue, so I'll try to write it as short as possible.
I started new topic, because I'm not good necromancy and resurrecting :wink:

Different ideas about same topic:,18531.0.html,21058.0.html

And my (1st) idea:

When troop receive hit, he lost some hp, and also get "wound points"("WP"). Number of received WP depends on damage type and % of total hp taken.

                0 WP      1 WP      2 WP        3 WP        4 WP      ......        <-- received WP
Blunt        0-60%    60-80%  80-100% 100-120% 120-140%  ......
Cut          0-45%    45-60%  60-75%    75-90%    90-105%  ......        <-- % of total hp taken by hit
Pierce      0-30%    30-40%  40-50%    50-60%    60-70%    ......

When troop fall in battle, instead of receiving "pro warrior killed/knocked by noob farmer", receive: "pro warrior knocked with light(0-1WP)/medium(2-3WP)/heavy(4-5WP)/mortal(6+WP) wounds by noob farmer" (different colours of messages - from yellow(light) to red(mortal))

After battle every wound have (10+5 per point in surgery)% chance to automatically heal.
After that, if troop has:
0 WP - he is healthy (even if he lost all hp in battle)
1 WP - he is slightly wounded, but still can fight (75%-50% hp at beginning of battle)
2-3 WP - he is wounded, same as it works now.
4+ - he looking at grass from below...

Wounds would heal over time.
Player and heroes also are troops. For them it should work same as for other troops - with exception, that they couldn't die. If they get 4+ WP, it should take them long time to recover.

How would it work in game?
Peasant would die more often than knights. Because to kill farmer you need 2 hits with sword for 60-90% hp (= 4-6 WP), and to kill knight you need 3-6 hits for 0-60% hp (= 0-3 WP).
And troop, who take 1 hit for 90% hp from bow would die after battle.

Why it's realistic?
Because 10 light wounds will heal faster than 1 heavy wound (and 20 very light wounds completly don't disturb, when fighting full of adrenaline =no WP=no hp lost at beginning of battle).
And because knight in plate cant be killed by peasants. He could be knocked down by torrent of hits, and THEN stabbed with knife/fork. But it was unprofitable, so they usually let him live.

2nd idea:
Every troop with surgery can take care of as many troops, as many they have INT (or INT*2,).
So for 60 man party, you need 2-4 medics.
Or different option: every medic can use their surgery to heal [INT*4] wound points (it takes less time to heal 3 light wounded soldiers, than 1 with mortal wounds)

There should be option for troop in party window: "don't go to battle" - to save medics/trackers/companions/top tier troops from dying.
I really dislike it how the game has such a concrete kill/knock out system simply based on your weapon. It would be great to see something like this used so that you can still can still capture prisoners without having to use a club or something. The only prisoners I ever get are the petty infantry I knock over with my horse and anyone else dies, which doesn't make such sense since you'd kill the peasants but capture the rich mounted knights.
Yeah, I like this one.................................................................................exactly how are you gonna make it work? :???:
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