Changing Kingdom name

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Hi, I followed this guide (,51634.0.html ) but I didn't manage to change the name of my kingdom and my faction colour too.

1)I conquered an enemy castle so now I'm an indipendent ruler. Then I saved and quit game.
2)I opened "troops" file in modules/native expansion  and I changed the kingdom name using underscore instead of spaces as suggested.
I had not to change from 0 to 1 in the position indicated by the guide because there was yet a 1 instead of a 0
3)I opened "scripts" file in modules/native expansion and I changed the "magic" number.
4)I run the game and opened my save state but neither the name nor the colour have changed.

What have I mistaken?
You dont need to follow that guide anymore, all you need to do is go to a large town (not a village) and manage kingdom option. You can change color, name.
Kazdum said:
You dont need to follow that guide anymore, all you need to do is go to a large town (not a village) and manage kingdom option. You can change color, name.

So, I have to conquer a city, first.
I own only a castle and a village and as i recall there's no "manage kingdom" option visiting a castle.
Wellenbrecher said:
Yep, you have to capture a city first.
May I ask why you started your own faction so early?
Kordian said:
I own only a castle and a village

Well, I'm in my first experience with Native Expansion and I'm making my "experiments".
Anyway in my game I started as a freelancer, than I joined Khergits just to annoy those Vaegir dudes. Now I've quit Khergit to start my own campaign against Vaegirs (they are in war with khergit and rhodocks so I could conquer a castle with no efforts). I systematically pillage their villages and ambush their lords. I also managed to capture their king: he besieged and assaulted my castle but he pathetically failed so I counter-attacked him destroying his remaining army and taking him as prisoner.
Now that enemy is weak I'm planning to take Rivacheg (nearest to my Radoghir Castle) and make it the capital of my Voivodeship.
Dudes, I conquered Rivacheg but I still can't change my kingdom's name. If I go to "manage kingdom" and I choose "change kingdom name" I've got only two options: "troops.txt: Kingdom of XYZ" or "XYZ"  (obviously XYZ is my character's name).

What should I do to change my kingdom's name?
(colour change does work!)
So, the name will always be "Kingdom of..."  ?
It cannot be changed in "Dukedom of..." or "Empire of..." or "Voivodeship of..."  ?
Just name your character whatever the kingdom should be named.
Let's work this through with.. ehm.. a char named "Kordian" and "Dukedom of Carpi" (yes, I saw your profile :razz: )
1) press C

2) change the name of your char "Kordian" to "Dukedom of Carpi"

3) go to your town

4) select the "Manage Kingdom" menu, select "Change your Kingdom's name" (or whatever the correct names of the sub menus are, I'm sure you can find them anyways :razz: )

5) Select the second option ("Current name of the player" or something similar)

6) Leave the city, press C and rename your char to "Kordian" again

7) Behold the "Dukedom of Carpi" ruled by "Kordian"
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