Change log

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With the bugfinder, this struck me as possibly an easier format to record changes. In some cases, I will have added new features, which may in turn cause new bugs.

After 0.660
* script_player_leave_faction resets player relations with original faction, and all factions with which it is at war, to zero
* Changes to "I hope you get a chance to meet my x," dialog box
* Initiative reduced for accompanying_army and besieging_center, new ai state, "spai_screening_army", introduced for one party in each army of 4+
* Fixed error inserted into courtship value calculation
* Small changes to lord_recruit_7_decision re bug 335
* Civilian panic added to bounty hunter quest, and dialogs expanded a bit
* Player_leave_faction should not have effects unless for npc kingdom
* Order of factions changed in player declarations of war
* Changes to defection and find_alternative_faction script re bug 356
* For process_hero_ai, added a check if party is active
* Faction leaders on a raid have lower initiative
* Change to sfai so that raiding armies will not ping-pong between villages
* Faction decision to attack towns based on damage ratio
* New faction ai state added, "see this siege through"
* Changes to theshhold for walkers revealing price info
* $Merchant_offered_quest set to zero when quest accepted to avoid re-offers after completion
* (faction_slot_eq, ..., slot_faction_state, sfs_active), added in a number of places to avoid ai calc using defeated factions, in scripts and in simple_triggers
* For party ai, aggressiveness reduced if party recently in combat, parties made more slightly likely to patrol the frontiers
* Generic minister asks to be replaced as quickly as possible
* Companions can now be given villages as well as walled centers
* Towns which do not produce income still show up in budget report
* Added several scripts to relocate male player's wife to his court
* New variable "hours since decisive event" to end wars that have gone on a long time without castles falling
* Lord changing factions now changes faction of dependant ladies
* Some changes to assign_lords_to_empty_centers, most notably prioritizing the granting of villages to lords without fiefs
* Centers assigned to realms before lords, to avoid town owners having so many of the villages
* If marshal is -1, do not check lord reactions
* Added "gt, center, -1" check to "Strike to the heart" ai state
* Made it so martial and upstanding lords do not go to fortresses if a battle is still in progress
* Household possessions for feasts accessed through change_screen_loot

After 0.650 (not in 0.650)
* When asked "what is your trade", town walkers will reveal a market for their goods, if the player's trade skill is high enough and a good market is available.
* New seed-derived variable, "aggressiveness", added to lord ai algorithms in script_npc_decision_checklist_party_ai
* Trade penalty reduced slightly (base to 15 minus skill from 20 minus skill for towns, twice that for villages),
* Capturing a castle with an inactive player faction should activate the faction, fixing bug introduced in 0.650
(Balancing factors to prevent mass treason trials)
* Lords who are indicted or who leave a faction will seek out a new liege with an unassigned fief
* Lieges will keep one fief unassigned for such purposes
* When lords change factions, their relationship with the new liege is increased by 5
* More varied introductory comments added for female PCs
* Female PCs can disable the more condescending comments by challenging and defeating a lord in battle
* Female PCs also have option of dueling lord, in certain circumstances
* Bug fixed which failed to note quantity of items available for feasts
* Slight modification to cf_troop_can_intrigue to fix bug intro'ed in 0.650 which blocked intrigues
* Liege dialogs rewritten to make it more intuitive for female PCs to be able to pledge
* Change in distribution of lord reputation types
* Conversational dead end fixed re a lady reconsidering marriage
* "Talking to myself" bug hopefully fixed
* Rejoinders added to obnoxious lord intro comments
* Hall guard arrest order disabled
* Married ladies no longer send player messages to visit
* Redundant "speak later, my spouse" option removed
* String error fixed in war evaluations
* Report to army quest only given if kingdom is at war
* Player and wife in different factions error message disabled
* Loss of 25 relation with new village disabled
* For operation to be in progress, lord must be at war with the relevant faction
* Operation in progress extended to sieges
* Fixed error in change_troop_faction in the part removing lords from centers of another faction
* Rationale for new war/peace to s57 before diplo change is implemented
* Lords who are prisoners will no longer host feasts
* NPC/female PC courtship changed to stretch out over a longer period
* In event_player_captured_as_prisoner, calculate_and_set_nearby_friends_strength, process_kingdom_hero_ai and order_best_besieger_party_to_guard_center, changes related to deprecation of slot_party_commander in favor of slot_party_ai_object
* Script_begin_assault_on_center now called from dialogs, and from siege section of simple triggers
* Encountered_party_is_attacker requirement removed for "you fled" comment
* Some changes to default greetings for low relation lords
* Castles requested for husband will hopefully go to husband
* Change in add_log_entry for registering who is present at event
* Slight change to escort_lady section of get_quest to avoid incorrect troop number
* "Continue the feast" faction ai option changed so that it does not end the feast
* Suborning a lord results in provocation rather than auto declaration of war
* Bug fixed in "wind down offensive" ai bloc.
* The amount of time a party will spend on campaign is affected by the lord's relation with the marshal
* Report to army does not result in follow-on quests when kingdom is at peace
* Campaign length determined by percentage of vassals who join
* Change player spouse added to player_join_faction, player_leave_faction, activate_player_faction
* New, so-far unimplemented script "get_political_quest" to cover mediation in disputes, improving relations with wife's relatives, organizing feasts, etc
* New mission template - duel with lord
* Changes to un-deadend companion political objection dialog
* Players can choose wife as replacement minister as well as initial

Script changes, 0.641 to 0.650 (probably incomplete):
* Expanded what happens when a troop changes sides. Lords should be booted out of castles if the faction changes
* If a lord receives a castle, he only receives the attached villages if they are not part of the same faction
* Overhauled the activation and deactivation of the player faction, to suit the expanded instances in which it can occur
* Changed some of the points in the script when player faction activation/deactivation occurs. In particular, a player can be in rebellion, even if he or she does not control a center
* A player can now give fiefs to subordinate lords
* There is now a chance that lords will desert, instead of being indicted
* Town walkers have each been assigned a trade, based on what the town produces
* Female players should be able to declare themselves as queen, or their husband as supported pretender
* Fixed numerous typos
* Fixed a bug which caused relations to increase by 15 between two companions, one of whom might not be in the party
* Various adjustments to the kingdom hero AI
* Kingdom hero party's courage, aggressiveness, and capacity for independent initiative are now set when the party AI state is set
* Troubadour conversations now different for male and female players
* Significantly changed the way by which the player gives suggestions/orders
* Added a script to determine if a party is acting under player direction, replaces a party slot
* Rearranged scripts that activate party_ai. Calculate_party_ais now called directly from triggers
* Kingdom marshal AI now determined from within npc_decision_checklist_party_ai
* Lords who are prisoner can neither defect nor be indicted
* Treason trials, defections, and the no fief penalty now fall into a single political trigger, called for one lord every hour
* Sortie system tweaked to fix parties' failure to sortie
* Diplomatic calculus added to peace announcement
* Lords who are in battle and who are prisoners should not be able to intrigue or be indicted. Cf_troop_can_intrigue now called from auto-defect script
* Ladies cannot force other ladies to marry them
* Lady conversation reaction added to compel-you-to-marry dialogs
* Adjustments to item frequency and trade penalty based on production
* Trade penalty is higher in villages, and prices are set no lower than in the market towns
* Weddings for male characters is simplified, and players can get married at the first available feast at which all are present
* Decision checklist model is now used for faction AI, and lords should be able to explain the rationale with a string

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