Change Battlefield Size!! But how?

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Hi all, I'm new here and that is my first topic.  :wink:

Sorry if this is not the right place for this question, but i found no better one for this.

I already used the search function about that topic and i didn't find the right answer. Okay there was actually a thread about this topic but i don't understand how it works!!

There is said that you can change battlefield sizes [ not how many people ARE on battlefield] by editing the x and y sizes in the Terrain generator, which you can activate by configuring, so the generator appears in your game. exactly that is another button on the bottom left next to camp button. Okay i found this generator and edited my x,y sizes. But when i closed this window or just started a new battle after editing, size isn't bigger and in the terrain generator the values are on standard again.

Then it is said that you must edit your scenes.txt with the code which is shown in the generator when you change x,y sizes. You can do this with a copy function easily. Okay i did this too. But also when i started a new battle or had a look on the terrain generator again, then it was everything like before (standard) and no difference!!

At last it is said that you could add this code in your Phyton Module file, but i heared that then every other changes you did on this game, and i did some on menus.txt , scripts.txt and some new textures, will disappear. So i rather prefer the method with the textfile.

Please is there anybody out there who could help me???

Sorry for my English!!
Thanks for every help!!

Yours sincerely Universe007
Universe007 said:
Then it is said that you must edit your scenes.txt with the code which is shown in the generator when you change x,y sizes. You can do this with a copy function easily.

If you do it right way it works.
You start the editor. Make your adjustments there. The battlefield size depends not only on x,y values, but on polygon size as well, so to make the battlefield as big as possible set polygon size to 5 meters (which is maximum ATM).
After making changes you press copy button. It copies the hex terrain code to memory buffer.
Then you open your scenes.txt with a text editor, look for a random scene, delete the terrain code and paste in its place the code you have previously copied.
There are several random scenes there, the default one and scenes for different terrain types (i. e. steppe, plain etc), you should make the appropriate code for each random scene and replace the old ones with your new codes.

Just for reference:
The maximum x,y values you can set through the terrain generator are 840 x 840. The maximum possible values are 1023 x 1023, however, with values that high there is texture bug at the border of the battlefield. So the maximum bugless size is 900 x 900 or 920 x 920, don't remember now. You can set battlefield size bigger than 840 x 840 with some simple hacking, described by Manitas in another thread.
Thank you +Knight!!

Now it works fine. I think i copied it to the wrong place.  :mrgreen:

Can you give me please the link to the thread of Manitus?

Is there a possibility to do this on Village/Cities Maps,too?
I was just able to do that on different battlefield sizes because there is no random line for villages in scenes.txt

Yours Sincerely Universe007
You can edit city/village maps, but it is more involved than the random maps. If you just change the code the scene will be messed up. If you want to edit nonrandom scenes you should read tutorials first.

The link to an old battlefield size thread:,16207.0.html.

Update: I just checked - the texture bug with large battlefield sizes was on Lords&Realms mod, don't know why. There is no texture bugs on native. There is still the small gaps between terrain and outer terrain, but they are noticeable only at the border of the battlefield.
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