Searching didnt give me anything so here i go:
You know in the map screen every party shows up a number of its population, and guys with higher number (or higher courage) go for the lower numbers or run away from highers.
I think this is kind of crappy. Becouse, say, I command an army of 5 Swadian Knights and the enemy is 11 river pirates. They should think twice before attacking me. Well, yes, courage helps in this (i think).
I think, that each unit should have a multiplier. A peasant may have 0.5 while a knight may have 4. I just made the numbers up. So a group of 8 peasants would have the score of 4, same as a single knight. (Again, the numbers are made up) There may also be conditional modifiers, like every 4 units of same type adds... additional points to challenge rating (think of those 8 crappy peasants stun locking the knight). And your chara level maybe added to this sum with a certain multiplier as well (maybe it can be like between levels 1-5, 0 points, 6-10 1 points, 10-20 2 points etc... just made up.. again).
This would have these effects:
A group of 10 knights would show a higher challenge rating than a group of a few peasants, which would effect map-screen attacks/run aways.
In caravan escort missions, a group of 10 peasants would not be enough for a mission of 10 protection level while a group of less than 10 knights would be ok.
In map screen, currently we see "Swadian War Party (51) Swadian Crossbowman 14 Swadian Knight 10.. blabla". So you know exactly what you are against. Instead of this we could see "Swadian War Party (51)". Just this, so you dont exactly know who is there, which makes, imho, more sense. In addition, tracking would be more useful. It could show a percentage at higher levels (maybe it does now too, i never got it higher than 3 or 4) like "50-60 people. %40 cavalry %60 infantry" or even more details later like melee infantry or so.
Maybe there would be other consequences as well, but this is what i thought right now. So, what do you think?
You know in the map screen every party shows up a number of its population, and guys with higher number (or higher courage) go for the lower numbers or run away from highers.
I think this is kind of crappy. Becouse, say, I command an army of 5 Swadian Knights and the enemy is 11 river pirates. They should think twice before attacking me. Well, yes, courage helps in this (i think).
I think, that each unit should have a multiplier. A peasant may have 0.5 while a knight may have 4. I just made the numbers up. So a group of 8 peasants would have the score of 4, same as a single knight. (Again, the numbers are made up) There may also be conditional modifiers, like every 4 units of same type adds... additional points to challenge rating (think of those 8 crappy peasants stun locking the knight). And your chara level maybe added to this sum with a certain multiplier as well (maybe it can be like between levels 1-5, 0 points, 6-10 1 points, 10-20 2 points etc... just made up.. again).
This would have these effects:
A group of 10 knights would show a higher challenge rating than a group of a few peasants, which would effect map-screen attacks/run aways.
In caravan escort missions, a group of 10 peasants would not be enough for a mission of 10 protection level while a group of less than 10 knights would be ok.
In map screen, currently we see "Swadian War Party (51) Swadian Crossbowman 14 Swadian Knight 10.. blabla". So you know exactly what you are against. Instead of this we could see "Swadian War Party (51)". Just this, so you dont exactly know who is there, which makes, imho, more sense. In addition, tracking would be more useful. It could show a percentage at higher levels (maybe it does now too, i never got it higher than 3 or 4) like "50-60 people. %40 cavalry %60 infantry" or even more details later like melee infantry or so.
Maybe there would be other consequences as well, but this is what i thought right now. So, what do you think?