Certain attacks and blocks should connect faster

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After fighting a ton of battles on foot with two-handed swords there are a few things that bother me. As it stands now swinging a sword from right to left, then from left to right is actually slower than repeatedly swinging in one direction. This happens because the animation for bringing the sword back to the same attack direction is faster than the animation for positioning your hand to attack in the opposite direction.

Shouldn't swinging in opposite directions be a little faster? I'm not suggesting anything that'll allow you to slice up armies in seconds, just a subtle change that'll make combat more realistic. And correct me if I'm wrong but couldn't this sort of thing be easily changed by making certain attack animations faster?

Here are some other attacks and/or blocks I think should connect faster:

1. Blocking high -> thrust attack

2. Block right (left) -> right attack (left attack)

3. Overhead swing -> thrust

Again, please note that I'm not trying to turn this game into Devil May Cry or some other game that lets you slice up enemies so fast they don't have time to attack. I think slightly speeding up certain attack animations will make melee combat flow much better and make it more fun and realistic.
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