Cavalry Upgrade Question

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I am playing as the Andeans.  Once I take my first castle, what is the upgrade path to get the mounted troops?

I obviously need the stables.  Do I need a barracks as well.  Can Peasants upgrade directly to cavalry or do I need to upgrade infantry first?
1- recruit bandits and garrison
2- make peace
3- Build Barracks (infantry), ranged practice (ranger), stables (cavalry) so you don't need to recruit peasant.
4- Build Knight Chapter for upgrade troops
5- Have a companion with high training skill or fight bandits with your new troops, they will upgrade to troops*
6- Talk with the marshall and he will upgrade for a expensive cost (build a Blacksmith and it will be just 50%)

You are playing with adenians so will be very easy fight bandits if you have 40-60 horseman
Thanks for the response.  In my last game I got a castle and built a ranged practice then a stable.  If I tried to upgrade a peasant I could get the marshal to upgrade them to archers but not to any kind of cavalry.  I f I had garrisoning on the castle would fill with archers.  I did not havea  barracks so I assume I needed that.  Obviously  I am missing something somewhere.
Yeah, you've got to get the first tier of infantry first. And Irudian, why the hell would you get peace after taking a castle? All you're doing is wasting money, since you'll be declaring war on them again soon to get more castles.
Perfect.  Thanks. 

Peace will definently not be happening as I fuly intend on gathering prisoners to voulenteer to help take the next castle.  The nord veterans are nice.
Yeah, Nord infantry are a great help in taking your first castles. I sometimes become a vassal first just to get some nord infantry.
I also had problems with finding this upgrade point, and I can confirm as earlier ppl has mentioned it is the lvl1 infantry that upgrades to cavalry.

                - archer - vet archer - elite archer
peasant -
                -infantry-   -vet infantry - elite infantry
                               -light cavary - medium cavalry - heavy cavalry

Diavolo said:
I also had problems with finding this upgrade point, and I can confirm as earlier ppl has mentioned it is the lvl1 infantry that upgrades to cavalry.

                - archer - vet archer - elite archer
peasant -
                -infantry-  -vet infantry - elite infantry
                              -light cavary - medium cavalry - heavy cavalry

Thank you. This is exactly what I have been looking for in this board.
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