Cavalry Siege

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Maximus183 said:
Hey does anyone know of a mod that makes it possible to attack a castle or town with cavalry ?

Thx ahead
i don't know of any

do you mean like riding through the streets which would be fun or up the ladders because that'd probably be rubbish
Ive thought about this. It would be epic just to ride down the ladder to meet your enemies.
Oddball_E8 said:
it could be cool if you got a ram to break open the gates, but other than that i see no use for it...
i wish that when you attacked cities you could kill civilians.
Hell yea that'd be awesome. Gotta throw in some children though too. I have wondered, if when one of your major cities is sieged, and you lose the walls, do you get to be one of the soldiers trying to fight them back in the streets, or the lords hall? Because I know when youre the attacker you get to move through those parts and fight soldiers. Does it work both ways?
thick1988 said:
Hell yea that'd be awesome. Gotta throw in some children though too. I have wondered, if when one of your major cities is sieged, and you lose the walls, do you get to be one of the soldiers trying to fight them back in the streets, or the lords hall? Because I know when youre the attacker you get to move through those parts and fight soldiers. Does it work both ways?
i don't know. i've never lost the wall
Tintin said:
Oddball_E8 said:
it could be cool if you got a ram to break open the gates, but other than that i see no use for it...
i wish that when you attacked cities you could kill civilians.

the real tintin wouldn't do that. :wink:

Topic: How would you attack a castle with mounted cavalry? Ride up the walls? I don't get what you mean. But anyway, I'd like to have more space around the castles/towns during sieges (you could ride your cavalry there back and forth getting shot too lol).
touareg said:
Tintin said:
Oddball_E8 said:
it could be cool if you got a ram to break open the gates, but other than that i see no use for it...
i wish that when you attacked cities you could kill civilians.

the real tintin wouldn't do that. :wink:

Topic: How would you attack a castle with mounted cavalry? Ride up the walls? I don't get what you mean. But anyway, I'd like to have more space around the castles/towns during sieges (you could ride your cavalry there back and forth getting shot too lol).
if he was in a radgie he might,61084.0.html

This is an amazing Mini mod by Kazzan, called Battlemod Quickbattles. It contains only quick battles (no campaign, just choose quick battles in the main menu). It has a few cool battles designed by him, I still play it. It has an interesting siege, where the player's army is defending a castle, which is attacked by a siege tower. The catch is, that the player is mounted. Once the tower arrives, you could go all Helm's Deep on their asses and ride down the tower, or you can (my personal favorite) just jump off the walls with your horse and start a slaughter. Crazy fun, and so are the other battles included. So far, the only mod that has mounted sieges. But, you will also be happy to know that the Warband expansion will have mounted sieges, as seen in one of the presentations.
vadermath said:,61084.0.html

This is an amazing Mini mod by Kazzan, called Battlemod Quickbattles. It contains only quick battles (no campaign, just choose quick battles in the main menu). It has a few cool battles designed by him, I still play it. It has an interesting siege, where the player's army is defending a castle, which is attacked by a siege tower. The catch is, that the player is mounted. Once the tower arrives, you could go all Helm's Deep on their asses and ride down the tower, or you can (my personal favorite) just jump off the walls with your horse and start a slaughter. Crazy fun, and so are the other battles included. So far, the only mod that has mounted sieges. But, you will also be happy to know that the Warband expansion will have mounted sieges, as seen in one of the presentations.
sounds interesting. I might download it sometime
if you play the napolean: ways to the power siege defense quick battle, the british cuirassiers are mounted so you can kill them and take their horses (then dominate! :twisted: ) true story
What about custom settlements ? When you siege a place you can have a horse... But its more like a big melee fight than a siege...
Well I once found some strange bug in 1.010 if I remember right. I was middle of some khergit areas in native when I started a battle. I think the enemy did get some strange reinforcements but the strangest thing was that we fight on a siege and everyone who has a mount were mounted.

It's old picture
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