Cavalry archer -- do I need strenght?

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You need strength for power draw.  12 only allows you to have 4 PD which is barely enough for a good bow and won't give you a tight reticle if you hold your draw.
TY! So strenght is important even for archerS!

PS: leadership seems so OP to me... 5 extra soldiers ? WOAh ! Why doesnt sometimes goes 100% charisma and just stand back while his 100000 soldiers pwn whatever they fight?
veecrawn said:
TY! So strenght is important even for archerS!

PS: leadership seems so OP to me... 5 extra soldiers ? WOAh ! Why doesnt sometimes goes 100% charisma and just stand back while his 100000 soldiers pwn whatever they fight?
One of my characters is speccing fully into intelligence and charisma to get the +4 bonus on most of the party skills.  It is certainly possible to play a game where you have an army of supertrooper companions and soldiers and you're just the brains of the outfit.  It can indeed get a bit boring, though, as you won't meet the reqs for decent armor and horses, so you're pretty feeble if you dive in yourself. 

That's not really an option for a horse archer, though, as both high strength and high agility are critical.  You need quite a few points into powerdraw, riding, and horse archery, and points into ironflesh, powerstrike, and weapon mastery certainly aren't amiss. 

veecrawn said:
TY! So strenght is important even for archerS!

PS: leadership seems so OP to me... 5 extra soldiers ? WOAh ! Why doesnt sometimes goes 100% charisma and just stand back while his 100000 soldiers pwn whatever they fight?

Because thats partially what this game is all about, haven't you noticed how the Lords of other nations have 100+ units in their party?

Once you fight your first 1.000+man battle you'll wish you had slots for a few more soldiers :smile:
veecrawn said:
PS: leadership seems so OP to me... 5 extra soldiers ? WOAh ! Why doesnt sometimes goes 100% charisma and just stand back while his 100000 soldiers pwn whatever they fight?

Leadership gives you 5 soldiers not Charisma. Leadership can only go to level 10 but if youo want immense armies check out the MageLords stuff and increase your battle size above 100.  and you would need to be level 94-100 to have 100 charisma and that would take a lifetime if you were cheating.  Without cheating, 3 lifetimes :smile:
All you need to get a huge army is high renown.  Even for my characters that put a lot of points into charisma and leadership, the bulk of their party size comes from renown.  My characters who put nothing into charisma and leadership can still field armies well over 100 before long.  They're just really expensive without the cost-reduction of leadership. 

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