causes reboot?

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So I reformatted my computer, and before, mount and blade ran perfectly, no problems, no crashes etc. but now, everytime I try to start the game, my computer reboots, any ideas?

AMD 3000+ghz
Radeon 9600 128mb
1024mb ram
Tell me if I missed anything else, kind of tired atm.
Welcome to the forums, Arikash. :smile:

So you are saying that you had M&B installed and then did a full format on your pc?

What version of M&B are you using? Have you updated DirectX? Drivers?

I downloaded the .701, then used the patch to upgrade to .703 to see if that would solve the problem.

I do not have the latest version of DirectX, I always forget about the little things on computers, I'll install them when I get home so that will hopefully fix the problem.

Thanks :grin:
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