Cataphract horse mod

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
I have created my first texture job for Mount and Blade, here are Cataphract cavalry, based on Parthian or Armenian from RTW. However, this is one of most powerful cavalry, with heavy armor and charging power, they were feared from middle east. Often you'd rather not to get into front of these heavy cavalry, being charged by them, even they are diffcult to kill with heavy armor these cavalry got.

I will be needing some of modder's help with adding new horse to Mount and blade. But for now, I need host for this new war_horse.DDS, so someone can replace their warhorse texture temporary, unless new true cataphract horse come out with their own stats.




Eagle out...
Congrats on that horse, it looks cool! I can't help you as I've not tried mucking around with the txt files yet.
Looks cool. As far as adding it as a completely new horse, don't know about that until the model format is released, but in the mean time it's a good replacement for the war horse.
Catapracht are cool! Medieval total war had them too for the byzantine empire alltough they called them Katapraktoi. they where probably the best heavy shock cavalry in that game. probably the best armored troops in history try making a catapracht rider and horse my friend
It's very easy... Just add a new entry in item_type1.txt. You can use an existing horse entry, and just change the model.
seems good, tough with the heavy armor cataprachts shouldn't be verry fast. it was their weight and heavy armor that made their charge so deadly. and all this heavy armor should really slow them down
It was even said of the heavier cataphracts they didn't charge at all. But they more trotted and used their lances overhand like a phalanx on horseback.
On second thought Eagle, Im not sure how it reads the horse textures, Maybe it just does it directly seeing as they have their own files.

Send me a copy and Ill see if it works.
Actually, I'd say it should have a base speed of 7 and maneuverability 8. Reason: Armor like that seriously weighs a horse down. Even in R:TW, they have a high charge and defense rating but they're significantly slower than other cavalry.

Now I have changed my mind after some of research on cataphract during ancient war time, I have changed my new stats for cataphract's speed from 8 to 7, as their maximum speed, due to heavy weight of armors used by these horse. This stats is my idea of way it should be modded as, but if someone want to mod this cataphract with different stats, feel free to do so. Everyone are entitled to their own view and opinions toward cataphract, but least, this stats is realistic for real cataphract to me for now.

Eagle out...
Ancientwanker said:
On second thought Eagle, Im not sure how it reads the horse textures, Maybe it just does it directly seeing as they have their own files.

Send me a copy and Ill see if it works.

PM me your email, and I will sent you a new .DDS of warhorse.

(You can rename it as cataphract horse, to allow for game to 'see' this texture as their own texture for new cataphract horse, while allowing yourself to add an extra of new horse to game theorically.)

Eagle out...
I tried renaming a current horse texture to a new name and then renamed the model/texture in the items file for the horse to call on that texture.. That doesnt work, crashes.

So its like the other textures and you cant simply add a brand-new one without doing the kind of work Noob did. Assuming you can find the place where horse textures are referred to.

So the horse wont work yet with magnificent seven, thanks anyway.
Ancientwanker said:
I tried renaming a current horse texture to a new name and then renamed the model/texture in the items file for the horse to call on that texture.. That doesnt work, crashes.

So its like the other textures and you cant simply add a brand-new one without doing the kind of work Noob did. Assuming you can find the place where horse textures are referred to.

So the horse wont work yet with magnificent seven, thanks anyway.

Well, how about replacing warhorse with cataphract cavalry temporary unless he make a mod for you, that would allow you to add new horse to your The Magnificent Seven mod?

Eagle out...
Hey Eagle, if you email me the horse .dds texture I can probably add it as a separate horse (i.e. add it so that it doesn't replace the warhorse). My email is n00854180t AT gmail DOT com.
Eagle, any chance you could do a dark version of this using Noo8's nightmare horse as the base horse under the armor? Then instead of the goldish mail have either a dark mail or silvery metal type mail over that horse? I think id prefer the darker mail but who knows...

Id really like something like that for the dark captains and general in my mod. Im sure noo8 would stick it in his mega-texture-mod.
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