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How about making it so you could make your own catsle and then to go ever farther than this. the prisoners you capture can work at your catle and then you could hire guards hounds hitmen archers make towers get married.and so forth
This has been discussed efore and it would be too hard to implement as you have said it, maybe something remotle like this will be in thefinal release, but remember that this is a very low budget game and with only two devs any technical gameplay which would be great but would take to long to implement, love is a concept may of us including Armagan I think would like and player owned homes will be added eventually.

Its touch and go at the moment which features can be implemented.

Would be cool though! :cool:
It would be better to make it so you can own things like farmland or so on or maybe takeover towns you could assign like 6 prisoners to the farms and you return to get food or money or when you go to your town onice a week you could collect taxes i think the farming one would be alot easier
About that farming stuff, that couldn't be too complicated, could it? I mean, you can go to a count/king every week of the faction you are on, if you are on somebodys side, and get your reward there. So if all slaves that are captured stands on your farm or something you can go there and collect money, grain and such stuff. And how much could depend on how many prisoners there are.
how about this one. there is this place up the stairs in zendar. what if you could buy that as a home. you could sleep there for free and stash items in your closet.
it's not the same as a castle but it's easier to realise and still pretty cool
pzler said:
how about this one. there is this place up the stairs in zendar. what if you could buy that as a home. you could sleep there for free and stash items in your closet.
it's not the same as a castle but it's easier to realise and still pretty cool
:smile: Sleeping under the stairs? I'm JonathanStrange not bloody Harry Potter! I'll sleep in the stables before I sleep under some stairs like a street urchin.

In any case, doesn't anybody search the forum ever? No? Oh, who cares.

Squints said:
thats just like what the vikings did i think it would be pretty easy to add

They slept under the stairs in Zendar? :smile:
not under the stairs, up the stairs. behind the slave trader you can go up the stairs and there is a door that you can't enter. that's the room i'm talking (typing) about.

and of course nobody searches the forum. it's much more fun just to shout whatever comes to mind.

and a wise man once said. if you can't say what allready has been said we would soon run out of conversation. i beleave that wise man was called pzler :cool:
Yeah but I suppose that a house would cost more than resting a 100 days with a party of 50 men in a tavern. :lol:
it isn't about being functional. it's about being cool. who cares if anything is smart to do? i don't think at all and i'm a happy man :grin:
Lhorkan said:
Yeah but I suppose that a house would cost more than resting a 100 days with a party of 50 men in a tavern. :lol:
i suggest that the price of the house be based on the california real estate market :wink:.
some realtor said:
here is a lovely two-bedroom house in the middle of zendar. the neighborhood is relativly safe thanks to the baron who hangs around here, but its very noisy. $500,000.
or more :twisted:.
Lhorkan said:
Typically Dutch! :grin:

netherlands, the happiest country in the world. no taste, no culture, we will follow bush everywhere and we don't care! :grin:
just pass me the hash pipe

but seriously. the more i refuse to think the better this idea sounds to me. I'm so smart!
the real advantage is that you can stash your stuff. (maybe even money)
so you don't have to carry it around/ lett it be stolen if you lose a battle.

and for people who want more:
invite girls over
take a bath (my character never does)
go to the toilet
buy furniture

M&B could be the medieval addon for the sims whe where al waiting for!
i once kept throwing rocks at people and... oh sorry, off topic. anyway, ive seen that house in zendar. why is it there??!!
well that's a question to ask armagan.
please take some time of your busy scedule to indulge us lesser mortals with your omnipotent knowledge to the world of mount & blade by telling us you complete had the same idea for this house as me and will develop this option in the future.

(Well maybe not the party and girls options but the general idea)

Oh and the game rocks. just like the developers, who must be very intelligent and cool people.

I'm your biggest fan.
If you had an avatar i would print it out and put it above my bed.
And pray to it daily.

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