Castle Siege Tactics

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I've read several posts about an easy way to win castle sieges is to send in all archers and have them fire at the defenders to pick them off. I tried this and when I ran out of ammo I retreated like those folks suggested. However I found out afterwords that I have to rebuild my siege equipment. Another 60 hours of waiting to build that damned siege tower to assault Dirhim. Anyway does someone have any other ideas on how to win sieges by yourself?

Would a Nord Player pile in with all infantry?

What would a Swadian Player use? their infantry are 2nd to worst, their archers are 2nd to worst and their cavalry is great. Unfortunately you don't get your horses during the siege so thats not really much of a help (not that a horse running up a ladder would make any sense or be that helpful) :smile:.

Anyways, I'm going to have to restart my game because my revolt failed. Apparently having 250 archers and 150 infantry wasn't enough to stop a 1100 man army. (oops).

Thanks for the help,

hmm I usually have my archers stand at a certain point and sweep the walls with arrows while the infantry and cav charge. Once they have a foothold I bring the archers in behind me and find a good spot on the wall to provide sniper support. I'm now thinking of keeping the cav in reserve instead of sending them in with the infantry. Cause though your infantry will manage to fight their way into the castle. More then likely unless there is a low number of enemy troops there, they are gonna eventually overcome that first infantry wave, then they always will go back the the point of entry, i.e. the siege ladder or tower to block in again so your own reinforcements have to fight their way in as well, while you and your archers, if they are still alive are trapped inside behind enemy lines if you will. So I'm thinking position the cav inside near your entrance so they can hold back the enemy surge to give your reinforcements time to make it inside. then you could try attacking the enemy from more then one side, and crush them between you. just a thought
morphwan said:
hmm I usually have my archers stand at a certain point and sweep the walls with arrows while the infantry and cav charge. Once they have a foothold I bring the archers in behind me and find a good spot on the wall to provide sniper support. I'm now thinking of keeping the cav in reserve instead of sending them in with the infantry. Cause though your infantry will manage to fight their way into the castle. More then likely unless there is a low number of enemy troops there, they are gonna eventually overcome that first infantry wave, then they always will go back the the point of entry, i.e. the siege ladder or tower to block in again so your own reinforcements have to fight their way in as well, while you and your archers, if they are still alive are trapped inside behind enemy lines if you will. So I'm thinking position the cav inside near your entrance so they can hold back the enemy surge to give your reinforcements time to make it inside. then you could try attacking the enemy from more then one side, and crush them between you. just a thought

Same tactic here. I generally don't bother to retreat on a siege in any case, so I'm left with this as my best option.

Also AI apparently can't jump and because of this, I find siege towers are actually better platforms for interactions between the attacker and the defenders. If you're Archer-heavy, you can build the tower, lay down some serious suppression fire and clean off the walls as best you can, especially if the defenders are not archer-heavy. Then just station your men outside the tower and wait a minute or so. The infantry will decide to meet you by leaving the castle and killing you without even hav-- Oh too late, your archers cut them down trying to get off the siege tower. This tactic has made handling the Nords and wresting property from them a lot easier, even though they are more tank-y and better able to survive archer damage than everyone else.

Mind, eventually, you'll have to move in close to finish things, but you'll have remarkably low casualties if you're careful, and if you're not vastly outmatched.
yea I'd say so, I've also noticed the Khergits have this insane tendancy to charge down siege towers and ladders if you don't come up them.
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