Castle ladies.

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Hello, i was wondering what the woman in the castles do?
I always talk to them but cant do anything, and I've had over 1700 renown..

Are they actually usefullf or anything?
agoden said:
Hello, i was wondering what the woman in the castles do?
I always talk to them but cant do anything, and I've had over 1700 renown..

Are they actually usefullf or anything?

Bad luck for you  :sad:. You can get a quest from a lady.
Apart from that, they also wash the dishes, mop the floors and more of this kind the lords usually don't do. Still it has to be done :wink:
agoden said:
Hello, i was wondering what the woman in the castles do?
I always talk to them but cant do anything, and I've had over 1700 renown..

Are they actually usefullf or anything?

You use them to spread your seed, producing an army of lookalikes to carry on your legacy. Then a feminist uprising will occur. Many long oppressed women will unite under one banner to drive your tyranny off of Calderia. In your final days, you wait miserably for your coming death. Your door is smashed down and the women drag you out, flogging you in public. You cry and cry, begging for mercy, for a relief in the endless torture you endure. The women cut off your body parts, forcing you to eat yourself, and your children, your former people, all look at you in disgust.

You die a naked tortured and mutiliated man on a spiked wall, reminding all men that kidnapping women results in a good flogging.

EDIT: There's 3 quests altogether you can get from the ladies.
They can give you the 'Oh knight, save my honor' quest.
You fight for her against a lord and she pays you (2000 if i remember correctly). And your relationship with her increases. The relationship with lord will decrease of 20 points.
Having a good relationship with a lady makes it possible to you to pay in order to increase your relationship with a lord of that faction. But that is expensive, too much in my opinion. Still useful though in same very rare cases.
What I dislike is that regardless of how much she appreciates you the prices for raising relationship with lords will always stay the same.  :roll:

Still it's good money, especially for a young adventurer. Not advisable to do it with lords of your own faction though.

Once I had a lady asking me for three consecutive times to fight for her honor against the same lord. Ha! either the guy was really stubborn in his lies or there was some truth in those stories of stable boys...  :lol:
ddrake said:
Once I had a lady asking me for three consecutive times to fight for her honor against the same lord. Ha! either the guy was really stubborn in his lies or there was some truth in those stories of stable boys...  :lol:

Yeah, I had that too, I think that's a bug.
On a related note, when you complete the quest pick the "refuse reward" option. You'll get the money anyway and your relation with the lady will improve more.

There are supposedly two other quests ladies can give, either delivering a letter to her captive husband or freeing him, but I've never been given those, ever. :sad:
Ringwraith #5 said:
On a related note, when you complete the quest pick the "refuse reward" option. You'll get the money anyway and your relation with the lady will improve more.

You get some honour too.
agoden said:
Hello, i was wondering what the woman in the castles do?
I always talk to them but cant do anything, and I've had over 1700 renown..

Are they actually usefullf or anything?

You can pay them to buy gifts to improve relationship with hostile lords.

They're almost useless though. I think M&B should allow them to be ransomed, or sold to slave trader or tavern :wink:
Ringwraith #5 said:
There are supposedly two other quests ladies can give, either delivering a letter to her captive husband or freeing him, but I've never been given those, ever. :sad:

Yeah, I forgot to mention that one. I did the rescue captive husband a couple of times. Was never asked to deliver letters by them. You may be asked by their husbands to escort them to some other town though. Very simple task which gives little money and little relation.
Lately I have been using female characters only, thus was never asked to rescue the husband.

because you have to fool the guards by giving him your clothes so they may mistake him for you when he goes out. Pretty hard if you are a woman, even if they are drunk.

Anyway I think ladies are a nice touch. Not much developed though. In one mod you can actually marry and bring on the family (sorry, forgot mod name). Maybe Warband will do that too? don't remember.
Hmm. Would that mean you claim them after taking their husband's castle/town from them and being awarded it?

As I'd definetly love to collect them.
n00b said:
Gay marriage? :grin:
Why not?

from Empress Brunilde's edict:
"... and therefore declare that same-sex marriage is welcome in Calradia.
Protesters against this act of justice will be forced to marry a partner of their own sex or be burned alive. Their choice".

Brunilde's style was quite crisp but to the point indeed...

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