castle defence

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Lord Misapon

I am not a noob so,don' call me that.My name Is Lord Misapon, and my question is, how do you defend a castle IN battle, not putting a garrison in?
wait wtf ... u have to put a garrison in it to defend it it should be like 100 strong men too (maybe 60 nord hurscals 40 vaegir marksmen visa versa) but did u ask to defend it u dont put a garrsion in it?
Chris119119 said:
wait wtf ... u have to put a garrison in it to defend it it should be like 100 strong men too (maybe 60 nord hurscals 40 vaegir marksmen visa versa) but did u ask to defend it u dont put a garrsion in it?
No i mean like how do you defend your castle WITH the garrison not just hopping for the best.
u cant really do anything just have a kick ass garrison and try to stand ifnront of the ladder or siege tower ladder and cut down as many guys as u can
Wow.. sorry for his retarded reply, i apologise on his behalf.
Just rest in your castle when the castles being besieged and wait for the battle to start, thats how.
agoden said:
Wow.. sorry for his retarded reply, i apologise on his behalf.
Just rest in your castle when the castles being besieged and wait for the battle to start, thats how.

lmao i own all of caldria w/e the hell its called you r probably still a slave i mean a lord to a faction and he meant whats the best way to win a siege battle
Excuse both the idiots here...

What you need is a range weapon of some sort, and a long or short weapon, depending on what you prefer. Snipe people coming up the ladder, and then when run out of ammo, start swinging with your long weapon, or if you have a short one, jump into the fray. Thats all there is really. Siege defences do tend to involve you a lot more.
Mabons said:
Excuse both the idiots here...

What you need is a range weapon of some sort, and a long or short weapon, depending on what you prefer. Snipe people coming up the ladder, and then when run out of ammo, start swinging with your long weapon, or if you have a short one, jump into the fray. Thats all there is really. Siege defences do tend to involve you a lot more.

i like to use a 2 handed axe its long and powerful
Chris119119 said:
Mabons said:
Excuse both the idiots here...

What you need is a range weapon of some sort, and a long or short weapon, depending on what you prefer. Snipe people coming up the ladder, and then when run out of ammo, start swinging with your long weapon, or if you have a short one, jump into the fray. Thats all there is really. Siege defences do tend to involve you a lot more.

i like to use a 2 handed axe its long and powerful

Axes are generally shorter than swords though. But they certainly don't lack in power.
Mabons said:
Chris119119 said:
Mabons said:
Excuse both the idiots here...

What you need is a range weapon of some sort, and a long or short weapon, depending on what you prefer. Snipe people coming up the ladder, and then when run out of ammo, start swinging with your long weapon, or if you have a short one, jump into the fray. Thats all there is really. Siege defences do tend to involve you a lot more.

i like to use a 2 handed axe its long and powerful

Axes are generally shorter than swords though. But they certainly don't lack in power.

ya whats better a great sword or a great axe?
Chris119119 said:
ya whats better a great sword or a great axe?

According to a poll I did a few weeks ago, a Great Axe is, but only in more general situations.
Just wait until the castle is being seiged, and then join the defender's side. It's as simple as that.
HEY!What i meant was how do i GET INTO A BATTLE!I know how 2 seige a castle, I just don't now how to DEFEND againt a siege!Heck half the frigen land belongs to ME!
You can't back away from the fighting once you've entered it that way, so watch out. Go only if you actually have a shot at winning. For what I know, 6 to 1 or so is easy, 10 to 1 is what I myself couldn't handle, others may be able to.

the trick is, set the battle size to minimum, so the amount of guys that rush up the ladders isnt like a million guys. Easier to snipe and fight hand to hand.

Personally this is my trick of the trade.

1. I carry a strong bow, 2 quivers and a great axe. I stand on the side of the ladder and take them out one by one. Since I have 301 or so archery, I always get head shots.

2. Once I run out of arrows, I switch to axe, jump down the walls and climb the ladder, killing them from the behind. Once I slash my way through, I try to pick up some arrows or if not, just get back into the castle.

3. warning, If u get stuck outside the walls, (when jumping down) U will not survive. They will swamp you and then its game over.

Sir Jigmus said:

the trick is, set the battle size to minimum, so the amount of guys that rush up the ladders isnt like a million guys. Easier to snipe and fight hand to hand.

Personally this is my trick of the trade.

1. I carry a strong bow, 2 quivers and a great axe. I stand on the side of the ladder and take them out one by one. Since I have 301 or so archery, I always get head shots.

2. Once I run out of arrows, I switch to axe, jump down the walls and climb the ladder, killing them from the behind. Once I slash my way through, I try to pick up some arrows or if not, just get back into the castle.

3. warning, If u get stuck outside the walls, (when jumping down) U will not survive. They will swamp you and then its game over.

u switchign the battle size is kind fo cheating
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