Carrying Ability for Horses

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Ok, i understand that having horses in ones inventory reduces the speed penalty caused by other items present. Well, after looking at the name saddle horse i ralised what the purpose of that horse should be...carrying. Why not make some horses good at carring items, whilst others are not built for carring a significant weight.
Speaking of horses, is there any sort of info on how much faster per horse the party will move? Does lameness/swayback affect that in any way?
:smile: I'm glad I'm not entirely alone.

In part I wrote:

JohnathanStrange said:
Inventory skills always seemed out-of-place with martial skills like riding, horse archery, and power strike. It seemed to me a better way to increase one's carrying capacity beyond one's personal saddlebags would be to acquire additional horses which would open up additional slots. Maybe one's riding skill could represent the number of additional horses one could handle effectively traveling the world map.

However, the current system is convenient and few others seem to care anyway! :smile:
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