cargo chariots

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Could we buy chariots? A party with chariots could carry more and at the start of the battle we could have a charriot instead of a chest, also chariots could make imposible to travel to close to mountains and could slow partys with riders only a little, also they could ad speed to infantry partys.

What do you think
I second that and add that there could be some kind of wagons be used!

@triato Also did you watched hercules too?
Papa Lazarou said:
He means carts.

Yeah, that's quite obvious. Our resident police PrinceScamp should give people some slack. :evil:

Actually, wagons/carts whatever were one of the things that crossed my n00b mind, when playing the game. They would make caravans much more... well, caravansy, and also allow the PC to trade more stuff. In combat, they'd add a strategic element by adding a clear attacker/defender situation, because the wagons/carts (well, the drivers and beasts of burden, to be precise) are to be protected.
I'll take this opportunity to shamelessly promote my new inventory system idea thingie.

The basic idea is that carrying anything more than your current equipment would only be possible only if you assign packhorses to carry your stuff, so with no pack horsies, your inventory would look like this. The empty slots would act like your horse slot, so they only accept horses. In effect, you cannot carry any excess equipment without beasts of burden.

When you assign a horse to one such slot, you'd get 6 new inventory slots to carry your stuff in, like so. It also opens a 'cart' slot next to the pack horse, in which you can assign a cart, which would give you 3 more inventory slots like this.

I think this system would make more sense than the current one, where you can carry huge amounts of equipment even if you're travelling alone and on foot.
Kelpo said:
I think this system would make more sense than the current one, where you can carry huge amounts of equipment even if you're travelling alone and on foot.

I absolutely agree! A good idea. Naturally, it requires some polish. For example:
- riding horse would have a slot or two for carrying stuff in addition to the rider
- all the horses' slots don't fit on screen - this could be fixed by only showing one at a time, with an indicator (arrow icon, backgroung color or something) on each horse to show whether or not it's carrying stuff; clicking on the horse icon would "open" the slots and close them for others
- in trading screen, instead of the horse thingy, there would be a plain list with a scroll bar, similar to what merchants/smiths have.
Janosh said:
I absolutely agree! A good idea. Naturally, it requires some polish. For example:
- riding horse would have a slot or two for carrying stuff in addition to the rider
- all the horses' slots don't fit on screen - this could be fixed by only showing one at a time, with an indicator (arrow icon, backgroung color or something) on each horse to show whether or not it's carrying stuff; clicking on the horse icon would "open" the slots and close them for others
- in trading screen, instead of the horse thingy, there would be a plain list with a scroll bar, similar to what merchants/smiths have.
The first two fixes would indeed be fine additions to the system, though I think the third would complicate things needlessly. If there were no pack horse slots in the bartering screen, then you couldn't assign horses to the said slots straight from the merchant's inventory.
Kelpo said:
If there were no pack horse slots in the bartering screen, then you couldn't assign horses to the said slots straight from the merchant's inventory.

True. OTOH, it would be annoying to search for stuff if they were hidden in each pack horse's inventory. Hmm.. maybe default to having the most recently used inventory open and others closed, but opening inventories wouldn't automatically close the previous one(s), and a scrollbar would appear when necessary? Having all inventories always open and having to always scroll wouldn't be good UI design, methinks - too much clutter. The first screen you get should be simple and uncluttered, and complexity/clutter only increased as you drill down menus, open items etc etc.
I dunno if it would be that much more cluttered than the current inventory. Basically just one in three or four inventory slot rows would be reserved for the pack horse and the optional cart. Being able to open and close specific pack horse inventories would be an additional bonus though.

Of course, a simpler form of the whole pack horse inventory thingie would be to just have each horse in your inventory increase you inventory management skill by one. That wouldn't require much coding and the inventory screen would remain as it is.
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