Something interesting to note:
When i was neutral (not on either swadian or vags), i attacked caravans which made them all turn red (enemies) but when i joined a side the caravans on my chosen side were still red and run away from me! I found this weird cuz i was able to talk to them as if i were an ally and even offer protection.
I also keep seeing the words 'heros party' on the map which doesnt belong there.
Ive curruntly playin .711
When i was neutral (not on either swadian or vags), i attacked caravans which made them all turn red (enemies) but when i joined a side the caravans on my chosen side were still red and run away from me! I found this weird cuz i was able to talk to them as if i were an ally and even offer protection.
I also keep seeing the words 'heros party' on the map which doesnt belong there.
Ive curruntly playin .711