Caravans could have different loot depending on where they're heading to.
For instance, an imaginary caravan on its way to Khudan ought to be holding lots and lots of ale, since ale is in high demand in Khudan and sells well there. A caravan on its way to Uxhal would carry an enormous amount of salted fish, and a caravan on its way to Praven would carry some spice (since spice is more expensive, obviously they'd carry way less spice than a fish-caravan would carry fish).
Now that I've covered why it makes sense, let me list the reasons why it would be fun:
1) If you know the trading system well enough, you'd know which caravans to plunder to get which types of goods. For instance, if your army were starving, you could chase down whatever caravans you see heading to Uxhal and plunder their fish.
2) It'd make it possible to ambush a caravan right outside of its destination immediately resell the loot for very favorable prices. It would be cool.
It makes good economic sense and would add another element of character to the game.
For instance, an imaginary caravan on its way to Khudan ought to be holding lots and lots of ale, since ale is in high demand in Khudan and sells well there. A caravan on its way to Uxhal would carry an enormous amount of salted fish, and a caravan on its way to Praven would carry some spice (since spice is more expensive, obviously they'd carry way less spice than a fish-caravan would carry fish).
Now that I've covered why it makes sense, let me list the reasons why it would be fun:
1) If you know the trading system well enough, you'd know which caravans to plunder to get which types of goods. For instance, if your army were starving, you could chase down whatever caravans you see heading to Uxhal and plunder their fish.
2) It'd make it possible to ambush a caravan right outside of its destination immediately resell the loot for very favorable prices. It would be cool.
It makes good economic sense and would add another element of character to the game.