Capturing those bad wittle peasants and caravans!

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Ok, i alwas notice large groups of peasants and refugees running around. My question is two fold...1st- Is it possible for me to capture them, and if it is...the usual method right? Just knock them out.
2nd- How to i become a brigand, or bandit or w/e you wanna call it, and can i capture enemy refugees or is the term REFUGEE just a general meaning with no particular affiliation to any faction??

Abd caravans, do they usually have good lewt?And with how many men would it be a good idea to raid one, oh and 1 more thing, what sort of troops should i get??

Thank you in advance

Respectuflly,and utterly loyal
Vassal Bodycount02, Count of the Marshlands, The Butcher of Vaegir


PS : what is the estimated release date ?? please and thank you.
You can't attack peasants or refugees, unless you are playing Mag-7.
you can only attack caravans of the opposite faction, and when you do you can use the troops which suite your style of play. Cavalry is always a safe bet.

And don't EVER ask about the release date. people have been shot for less.

The Mag-7 that he is referring to is a player made mod. There is a thread for it in the mod section or you can just go here to check it out.

Caravans do carry good loot, but for the best loot you will probably want to target sea raiders or black knights.

As far as the troops to use against them, it all comes down to preference. Knights are usually considered the best units in the game though.

What they all said.

Troops really depends on preference, but, make sure your not attacking them with a horde of farmers unless you plan on loosing that battle.

You'd want them to be around the middle of the upgrade tree.. I'm guessing your with the Swadians, so swadian crossbowmen or infantry would be a safe bet. You'd want a few Men at Arms also. Make sure your either the same or just barely under the number of people that are guarding the caravan.

And 2 inventory management wouldn't hurt.
With regards to caravan loot, it is rather good, but it is only good for financial reasons. From my experience you rarely get good weapons, armor, or horses, but rather many expensive tradeable goods. As was said earlier, if you want the best loot Black Khergits and Sea Raiders are the way to go. They will frequently give you good weapons and armor, or at least more frequently than anyone else.
Narcissus said:
Caravans do carry good loot, but for the best loot you will probably want to target sea raiders or black knights.

Black Knights (atleast in the previous version) had next to nothing. Black Khergits, however, have provided heavy armor and good weapons to many of my characters.
Worbah said:
Narcissus said:
Caravans do carry good loot, but for the best loot you will probably want to target sea raiders or black knights.

Black Knights (atleast in the previous version) had next to nothing. Black Khergits, however, have provided heavy armor and good weapons to many of my characters.

Do you mean Khergit Raiders or have I been attacking the wrong groups?
If yyo utruly want the best and most expensive loot attack a dark hunters group but always remember that their far superier than any amount of kinghts you have even if you outnumber them 4 to 1 using the battlesize changer mod
Actually, I would say that the best loot is probably gained from Sea Raiders.

Sea Raiders will make you super wealthy in just a few battles, if you survive. :razz:

I <3 Sea Raiders, because there always on foot. I have a horse but I usually just use it for zipping around the combat map, therefore them being on foot makes it alot easier.
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