Captured lord

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I recently defeat and wipe out the Swadia faction. But i also have a bunch of lord and the king in my city prison.  And since the Swadia faction is no more, nobody pay me ransom, plus I can't recruit or free them. So how to deal with it? Leave them in a castle with no garrison and hope your enemy will take over it and free them? or take them along while waiting for them to escape??
it has been like 20 days since their imprisonment. And since my city has prison built, their escape rate is significantly reduced. T_T
I have same problem. I am playing Diplomacy.
So when you release a prisoner, they disappear from game or everytime join another faction? Is there any chance they will join you faction. I dont understand that option that they just wander around, invisible on the map, and than decide to join another faction, is that the situation or what?
I am asking because if they join another faction, and the faction obviously wont be yours if you held them as prisoners, in principle you are helping other factions raising more army when you release the prisoners.
I don't know much about that mod, but in the older version, lord whose faction was destroyed (whoever destroy it doesn't matter much), there is a change that he will join your faction IF you have a good relationship with you AND you don't have his rival in your faction.

And i think the lord just wander for awhile and join a faction at random after some time. But i don't remember about the king, so it could mean the king is gone for good and his vassal stay and fight under some other king.
I just released one lord.
I can positively say that:
The released prisoner doesnt travel visibly on the map.
He will join a faction after some time, could be probably the faction which imprisoned them, but since he should have negative shift in relation when you fight him, its not that probable as that he will join another faction.

I cant see kings becoming vassals of another kingdom, what name they would have? Jarl Sanjar Khan?

So I think I proved that with releasing prisoners of dead faction, you are generally helping other factions to raise more lords.
Download Diplomacy and release them for the relation bonus. Seriously, you should have Diplomacy anyway, it's soooo much better than native.
Krald said:
I just keep them locked up in my city jail as trophies of my victories.
Same. It's not like they're going to be useful to yourself anyway, so just keep them out of your way.
Wish i can challenge them or hold a tournament for them and my companion and me to fight sice they fight well. And if one of the prisoner is the winner, he earns his freedom.
lord_Nelson said:
Wish i can challenge them or hold a tournament for them and my companion and me to fight sice they fight well. And if one of the prisoner is the winner, he earns his freedom.

And change his name to Spartacus!
He can do whatever he want, but i he organize the bandits, looter and deserter into an army for the purpose of revenge, i will let him rot in the most remote castle on the continent. And make him punching bag for my troop.  :twisted:
I have the same 'problem' with this Swadian dude glued hard to my sore butt dragging my map party speed down.
For medieval accuracy's sake we should be able to get rid of them in some fancy 12th century way, like hang them, chop their head off, boil them in the kettle w/mushrooms, whatever. So, if one day I manage to stomp Calradia, the very last hour of the ver last day I will have to besiege a puny castle with 100+ lords cowing in there? Comeon, one dungeon won't suffice.  :lol:
Maybe adding a feature which we can choose to raze the castle or the city to the ground and wipe out every single living soul in it.
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