MP Captain

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Draft pick when each side pick and lock one unit, one by one - from oposite teams like in LoL or Dota's.
It would also force more teamplay because you would have to be aware what othere team pick and what your team mates also picks.
After dominating total war and FPS game now we can enjoy them together! Cant wait for customer servers!
There's a Bug where archers will Bunch up even though you put them in Line formation or Scatter apart. Please Fix

This happens when you place them somewhere with not enough space for them to keep their formation, so they shrink it. You can fix it with: F1 then LMB click and drag to reshape the formation as you want and then they will keep that formation next time you want them to move also.
This happens when you place them somewhere with not enough space for them to keep their formation, so they shrink it. You can fix it with: F1 then LMB click and drag to reshape the formation as you want and then they will keep that formation next time you want them to move also.
Had no idea that you can do that, Thanks!
Do you think Captain Mode might benefit from player's receiving score points for things other than kills? For example playing a shield unit properly can feel unrewarding or sometimes cavalry can win the round just with flag caps or distracting enemy troops.

Or would that encourage players to avoid fighting too much? That can already be an issue with newer players who tend to play very passive and defensively, barely moving their units from its circle formation.

Though a dynamic point scoring system could also be used for negative encouragement. Such as if a shield unit gains points by defending attacks near their team mates and lose points if running off on their own.
This happens when you place them somewhere with not enough space for them to keep their formation, so they shrink it. You can fix it with: F1 then LMB click and drag to reshape the formation as you want and then they will keep that formation next time you want them to move also.
I'm still having issues even doing that I know it may be asking much but is there a video tutorial on how to fix Archer position
Do you think Captain Mode might benefit from player's receiving score points for things other than kills? For example playing a shield unit properly can feel unrewarding or sometimes cavalry can win the round just with flag caps or distracting enemy troops.

Or would that encourage players to avoid fighting too much? That can already be an issue with newer players who tend to play very passive and defensively, barely moving their units from its circle formation.

Though a dynamic point scoring system could also be used for negative encouragement. Such as if a shield unit gains points by defending attacks near their team mates and lose points if running off on their own.

I think if it's done right then yeah. But right now the score doesn't really matter as it doesn't show you anything outside the games anyways.

I'm still having issues even doing that I know it may be asking much but is there a video tutorial on how to fix Archer position

I will try to find a video where someone does this, I think my mistake though is that you must press F1 to give them a command, then F1 to hold position, THEN do the LMB click and drag. 2 F1s, not 1 :razz:
Hallo :razz:
At first. Captain Mode is the best of the last 20 yeahrs xD
BUT & in German:-

Ich bin mir sicher das der Captain Mode viele Spieler anlocken kann, ihr musst nur drann bleiben :wink:

Ich habe gerade meine erste Runde nach der Beta gespielt und naja :wink:
1. Strugari ist immer noch unfassbar selten & wurde unheimlich geschwächt.
Die Fraktionen & Truppen haben nun mal ihre Stärken & Schwächen

2. Dadurch das beim Balancing auf den falschen Teil der Beta Tester gehört wurde nutzen nun " alle " neuen Spiele die OP 2hand Waffen oder Cav.

3. verstärkt wird das dann noch durch die Tatsache das es keine Kommunikations Möglichkeit gibt ,der Chat zählt nicht (RolePlay)
Eine einfache Möglichkeit ist es den Spielern zu ermöglichen 1,2,3,4 frei zu nutzen um mit den anderen Truppen Kommunizieren zu können ,auch wenn das nur wenig zu scheinen mag würde es schon reichen.

4. Das unkontrollierte splitten der Truppen führt auch zu Reaktionen ,wie Runde verlassen wobei dann ein neuer rein kommt der nicht mitspielen kann aber dafür die dafür vorgesehene aufstocken der Truppen verhindert oder nicht guten Unterhaltungen im Chat.
Eine TestPhase ohne Flaggen im Captain Mode würde ich daher vorschlagen ,wobei nach einer bestimmten Zeit eine Flagge aktiviert werden könnte um die Zeit weiter kontrollieren zu können.

5. Gerne spreche ich auch den Wunsch einer Online (Captain) Charakter gestaltungs Möglichkeit an.
Wir sind doch die Captains :wink:


wow...... why u make captain Mode only for killCountHunter ? ... thats a Role Play Game ! ..... im so frustated ... no more tactic .. ninimum teamplay .. the most have OP 2hand & the Flags with time is perfekt for assholes with her "no-tactic & destroy all rounds" ****.

you are listening to the wrong part of the community. Today CaptainMode is absolutely only for KillCountHunter & non-tactical players.
& the flags? seriously! With flags everyone runs in absolutely different directions because all my flags have to be taken and already we have micro fights or no team-plays
For what CaptainMode if you want to have fun with micro fights instead of a big one in which the individual players can move slowly in formation to match the gameplay & not this forced FlagMode in which no tactics are possible because it doesn't work in 99% of the cases anyway .

So you destroy the CaptainMode
Seriously, the CaptainMode (CaptainBattle) server from Warband is better !!!!!!!!!!!! these are good battles, without flags where everyone stays together and can show what they can do.

& why don't you fix the calls? This is incredibly important for a RolePlayGame.
If it does so that everyone can call everyone, then maybe it also works with the flags.
Experimenting with this balancing, just because some ego players get upset about not killing 100 but 80, both the RP updates and the fun cost us.
What does it bring to the normal player if a few superPros get their will and can kill 20 more just because you "balance" the two-hand or make the others weaker until elite troops lose to peasants because they have two-handed weapons?

.. how often do I have to address this problem? is this so that i only have to organize a few people who ask for something at the same time and then you do it?

At the moment I prefer to play the single player, even though I got a bannerlord because of the CaptainMode. Simply because the CaptainMode was castrated for ego players

Hi guys, my friends and I keep getting faction loops. For example, we will be playing Batannia for 3+ games. Last night my team of 6 friends played against @Grendelfromdc @.Brandis and their team of 6 for a total of 4 games. My team was stuck on a Khuziat loop for 3 games in a row. This kills morale and causes players to leave the game. Please fix the faction loops.

A suggestion is to allow the team leader to select faction type. Or simply make the random selection not select a faction previously selected.

Thanks guys. Looking forward to watching this game progress!
give the ability for defeated players to surrender the round please

too many times the dead players spend the last few minutes of the round watching 1 cav unit run around the map
@Callum Do you have the area of each captain's mode map? In square meters possibly? Or do you have images of each map from a birds eye view? If you could provide the community with this our bug reporting would be more accurate. Thanks guys! Love the game!
all the issues are mentioned very well in the replies,
1 thing wasn't presented well is the XP and reward system,
the XP shouldn't be only kills,
i would love that "winning" the game is the way for the most XP gain
that idea is influence by "battlefiel 1 operations mod".
the wining team gets like triple the xp of the losing team,
it did encourage team work and encorages making sacrifices for the greater good
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